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>a good webhooks system will queue things up for re-delivery with an exponential backoff and try a few more times before giving up completely.

Microsoft's Graph API also requires consumers to re-register webhooks every N days, a kind of "heartbeat" to make sure the webhooks aren't sent to a dead server forever.

This is definitely an interesting idea. Pgstream does offer the ability to unsubscribe from the notifications (https://github.com/xataio/pgstream/blob/main/pkg/wal/process...), but it relies on the receiver actively making that request.

It can be annoying to have to re-subscribe every N days when your application is working as expected though. I wonder if one way to work around this could be to "blacklist" servers that have failed consistently for an amount of time. They could be deleted from the subscriptions table if they remain inactive once they've been blacklisted.

I have opened an issue in the repo to track this (https://github.com/xataio/pgstream/issues/68), since it would be a critical feature to avoid denial-of-service attacks.

Thanks for your feedback!

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