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You can do everything which is better than the nothing available. When I join a new company, I note *everything* during the onboarding for 2 or 3 weeks. How to get the application, how to build, who does what, what is the branching strategy...

I also note all the issues, the things that people hate, when you talk about a sensitive topic and people grin like a serial killer because it's been pissing them off for months of years.

And after 2 or 3 months, when you can work on your own, go back to your notes and put everything down in the internal wiki (even the GitLab wiki if that's all you have), and improve the onboarding guide because it exists /s No, actually, it's your job to create this doc because it never exists.

As for what can be automated by scripts, you can do that, but a wiki is always nice because it tells people where those tools are, and how to use them, even it has a short description like "to build the application, 1. install this from winget, 2. and run this script." Automation is fun, but a guide or FAQ is great for what can't be automated.

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