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Very good work, especially for a solo developer. Feedback:

1. Design language of the forms feels too much like Typeform, you're a talented designer: differentiate the design to establish your own identity. If the forms look like Typeform, form-fillers are not going to investigate what form software it is and use it -- which was a big part of why Typeform grew.

2. The name is terrible. Blocks? The name sounds like you decided on it for a different project (some sort of component framework using Markdown?) and then reused it for this. The domain forms.md is available to register. Anything that include "form" in the name would be a significant improvement.

> The name is terrible. Blocks? The name sounds like you decided on it for a different project (some sort of component framework using Markdown?)

`forms.md` says what it is on the label.

And `filldown` has a lot of extensions available:


how about some riff on mark down / fill in. Maybe that's more of a tagline

> differentiate the design to establish your own identity.

But maybe the Typeform design i not very original, too. Maybe it makes sense to use some design that is rather neutral, easy on the eye, automatically recognizable without an effort to parse.

I see a commendable humility in picking a clean, usable, not catchy rendering. What's original here is the form language, which is actually the centerpiece. And frankly, I wish the code examples were more colorful, bringing attention to the keywords and separating them from the static text runs. It would help understand the language structure easier.

Thank you!

1. Yeah I would say this was intentional. Typeforms are almost instantly recognizable, which is a good thing for a new product I think. I actually want to offer more than one form style though. If you look at the CSS file, everything is a variable so that I can add more styles/themes.

2. Haha you're right actually, the idea was slightly different and the name sort of stuck (it was originally blocksdb, which is worse). I don't mind blocks.md though, but marketing is definitely not my best skill.

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