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Neo – Futuristic Matrix Messenger (mszpro.com)
39 points by leonry 21 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

Huh...At first I thought they remade the Neochat desktop client/app website [https://apps.kde.org/neochat/] ...The matrix messaging desktop app from KDE...But...its not that at all, is it? Its, like, some other thing; I guess.

Is it neo or nil? It's called both in the link and nil on product hunt

Hell, the URL is /nil/, then the headline is Neo, then the paragraph Neo, then the next paragraph Nil. Odd.

It's a futuristic client. Where we're going we don't need consistent branding.

Not quite sure why I expected something like eDEX-UI.

You’re old

Is this open source? Has there been any formal audit to verify it meets security standards?

This looks like it has a lot of features that could get a "normal" person to use Matrix and enjoy it, but the way it's presented and the ProductHunt page and all also make it look like it's just waiting to cross into enshittification territory.

I can see this getting users hooked on to the extra features and switching to some propreitary backend once they have some significant number of users and counting on inertia and UI polish to keep capturing users.

> … getting users hooked on to the extra features and switching to some propreitary backend …

If they do, they’ll have to bridge it to Matrix. The entire point of a Matrix messenger is being able to message Matrix; no matter how slick the GIFs or the local AI-models are—people won’t use a Matrix messenger that can’t message Matrix.

They will if there are sufficient users that communicate only within the app - it's basic Embrace Extend Extinguish. Introduce new features that don't work as well on other Matrix apps, "encourage" users to convince others to switch to this app (Apple has proven that all it takes sometimes is a different colour!), and relegate the Matrix connection to a low priority non-default option over time.

Only for iOS sadly. Because it sounds good.

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