Looking back on a spell of weird time which was due to illness, it seems strange what one is able to do and what not. The best way to fit
it into words is that it’s like parts of you are often offline, but they aren’t always offline. It’s more a fragmented existence than a constant universal everything-turned-down-by-95% factor.
And it’s often the uncountable infinities of actions to take that are the most difficult. When you see something that stands out as a clear course of action, there will usually follow the capacity to act on it. (If this sort of action fails again and again, then a deep deep burnout can occur. Core systems.)
> The police informed me that they wouldn’t take any immediate action and advised me to return home and carry on as if nothing had happened while taking precautions to protect myself.
I wouldn't have come 100 metres from her after I saw the video. And the video is much more than enough evidence of attempted murder to me.
It's an attitude that's sadly been brow beaten into mainland Chinese. Combine that and the little emperor phenomenon and I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. What I'm really shocked by is the apathy the Swedish government has taken to this case.
Just as an addition I have heard of stories like this coming out of China, although the government likes to portray an image of unity and that society is running well. So these stories are almost never from Chinese media, instead shared in WeChat groups, and the credibility of these is dubious - and not to mention it can be censored at a later point.
Due to being paranoid (not clinically. Probably.) I think it would have guessed something was up earlier, but most people aren't like that. Inside view vs outside view problem. "I know too much about my wife, she'd never do something like that!"
Sociopaths and narcissists are in my opinion especially dangerous precisely because they will fly so low. It becomes unexpected because it’s so senseless, such a waste of time, no advantage to the malicious actor. Just pathetic and pitiful waste. It’s hard to look low enough
to see it, think small enough.
What stands out for me is the author's passivity. I just don't understand it.