I'll second this suggestion. It's an old movie but it really holds up, and if anything is renewedly relevant right now. I'm reluctant to say too much about it because there's a couple realizations about the movie that you best have yourself.
If you feel like sharing your realizations here, feel free to use rot13 or shoot me an email :)
The first time I saw it, in senior high school, I understood nothing of it. It was just weird. I saw it again in my late 30s and realized it was a great movie – however, I will admit that it’s quite hard for me to articulate why it’s so good. I guess it says something about society and being human, but the wisdom is not at all on-the-nose.
Sbe zr gur zbivr jnf nzhfvat ohg dhvgr pbashfvat hagvy V fybjyl fgnegrq gb ernyvmr ab bar va gur punva bs pbzznaq bs gur ahxrf vf rira erzbgryl fnar. Guvf jnfa'g n fhqqra ernyvmngvba ohg zber ercrngrqyl ernyvmvat gur fnzr guvat nobhg qvssrerag punenpgref. Pyrneyl fbzr ner zber fnar guna bguref, ohg abar bs gurz pbzr pybfr gb jung V'q qrfpevor nf npghnyyl fnar.
Nqq gb gung gur nofheqvfg uhzbe bs gur cerpvbhf obqvyl syhvqf fcrrpu be gur arrqvat gb svaq n dhnegre sbe gur cnlcubar naq lbh'ir tbg n terng zbivr. Vg'f bar cneg pbzrql bar cneg fpnguvat pevgvpvfz nobhg rira gur pbaprcg bs univat na ngbzvp obzo ng nyy.