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>Ignores Jack's big quality push via six sigma

in my experience with six sigma (back at Sun Microsystems) and its various incarnations later it is among the worst things which can happen (though the company has to already be in significant rot to let such parasite in), last nail into the coffin so to say, it is the moment when totally clueless, this time by-design, management - all those six sigma certified belts - overtake the product development and kill whatever last reason and sense that was still there. And that is what article describes happened with GE and Boeing when they got overtaken by such a management. Anyway, the point of the article seems to be not the details of how Jack and his spawn ruined those companies, the point is the climate change related effects of that.

Six sigma's main push in the 80s was to drastically reduce defect count by diving deep into manufacturing processes, the opposite of the quality issues discussed in the article. It sounds like your experience is similar to what happens to a lot of management philosophies when they get popularised into airport books and watered down.

> management philosophies when they get popularised into airport books and watered down.

You’ve just gravely offended all those top consultancies hired by the companies I worked at. Basically you repeating the favorite argument of management consultants - if Scrum isn’t working for you then you’re doing it wrong.

Sat through three weeks of brutal Sun Sigma training back in the day. What a total waste of time and money. Scott lost the plot being hypnotized by JW.

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