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I remember hearing about some boy who was sent to a prison for a minor offence, was raped, got HIV.

Regardless of your intent, which I cannot know because I am not a mind-reader, what you write here therefore still comes across as if it was ~"it's only bad when pre-op trans women do it".

Please refrain from deliberately misreading my comments.

Sexual assault and rape is terrible, no matter who the perpetrator or victim is. On this, I assume we agree.

The issue here is policy changes that remove one of the most important safeguarding measures to prevent this in the prison system: segregation by sex, so that all male inmates have no physical access to any female inmates.

> On this, I assume we agree.

I am glad. There is no intent to misread, hence my caveat between the commas and the tilde: this is merely how I did perceive it.

> one of the most important safeguarding measures to prevent this in the prison system

I assert, and I thought demonstrated, that this does not in fact seem to be an effective safeguard.

It is an effective safeguard for protecting female prisoners from male prisoners.

There are different safeguards within each prison to protect prisoners from others of the same sex. VPUs for example.

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