I logged in after ages to reply.
This sounds useful. I'm having trouble concentrating on my work, remote work has become too much of a toll on my mental health. But that being said, it's so crazy that there's a need for this. How are you guys making money? I see you have a single person tier for 3 USD an hour? Even so, that's crazy.
Thanks! For some, it's the only method that works (myself included).
> How are you guys making money? I see you have a single-person tier for $3 an hour? Even so, that's crazy.
Update: First of all, users are _not_ our product. Our only source of revenue is subscriptions to our service.
Each user has a dedicated Productivity Partner, and they connect with them in a 1-on-1 video call. 90% of the time, Productivity Partners do not interact with users; they just ensure the user is present and (optionally) monitor their screen to make sure they're not scrolling through Reddit. This allows each Productivity Partner to work with multiple users simultaneously.
By the way, screen sharing isn't as scary as it seems. We lower the resolution and bitrate on the user's side to such low levels that we're not able to read any text or even distinguish images. However, it's enough for us to see when the user is on Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, etc.
Edit: more context in quoted message.
Edit #2: clarification that you're not our product
Here is an AI feature for you :D => Users share their screens and you detect webpages, and applications on the client side (process frames/images, detect logo, extract text from it, etc.). Don't send the stream to other parties only you share detected apps/webpages with others.
We can think of several AI applications for WorkMode, but we don't want to implement them. In our case, the less AI, the better.
AI, automatic data gathering, big data processing - no thanks, we'll skip it. What we do works; we don't need to improve it - at least not with AI. We don't want our Productivity Partners to handle hundreds of users simultaneously, as this would result in losing the personal connection with the user.