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> a stupid and weird hatred for communism and socialism

Tell me, who grew up in socialism, under communists rule, why this hatred is "stupid and weird"

/steps around millions of bodies/

“let’s try it one more time!”

Because currently most socialist, or kind of socialist, countries globally have a higher quality of life than countries like the US.

Of course, what we need to acknowledge is that this shit is complicated and there's nobody that's one thing. There're no purely free market Capitalist nations because that would lead to crimes against humanity beyond our comprehension. There're also no fully communist nations anymore - when there were, they lead to crimes against humanity beyond our comprehension.

Everyone, everywhere, has a mixed system. Whereby the public sector exists, operates, and owns some stuff. Some public sectors own more than others. Those that own, say, education and healthcare SEEM to be doing better than those that don't. Their citizens are healthier, more educated, and seem to be doing better overall.

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