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One could be forgiven for thinking that, but about a year later I found articles talking about how they decided to remove cocoa butter from their recipes because it cost too much.

The mac'n'cheese thing was funny too. There were half a dozen reddit threads with people complaining that it started tasting different. Then, completely oblivious, Kraft does a press release a few months later about how they changed the formula and it was so successful no one even noticed. Whatever minuscule amount of cheese they used in the powder cost too much and was replaced with god knows what.

Substitution-flation made everything taste like shit, and no one even said anything.

In the food industry (and probably others) this is called salami slicing. You take one thin slice off the salami and you can’t tell the difference. Then a little while later you do it again.

Eventually the salami is half the size it used to be and nobody notices until they get the original again.

Most Americans eat garbage all day so when it gets a little garbagier they can’t tell.

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