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> They reduced the team sizes in the US but are claiming that global team sizes and roadmap are not changing

I have no reason to suspect that the person who tweeted that believes what he's saying, but Google has a track record of publicly denying rumors of a project being killed only to kill it days or weeks later (Stadia)

This long list of "Killed by Google" products says you are right: https://killedbygoogle.com/

Yes, and that page does not list Dart or Flutter, the projects you made false claims about. Writing something that turned out to not be true is understandable, anyone can get fooled by misinformation and pass it on.

What's not acceptable is that after being called out on it, you didn't admit you were wrong and retract the falsehoods. You're instead apparently doubling down on some kind of bizarro "they canceled some other projects in the past, so it's cool for me to brazenly lie about these ones having just been canceled" defence.

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