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They stopped rolling it out, if I recall. The org is on life support at this point.

It just became available in my area last month (and I've been pretty happy with it after recently switching). What makes you think it's stopped rolling out?

Wikipedia suggests that they stopped expanding in 2016, only resuming in 2022.

I hadn't heard about the resumption, and it is welcome news. I suspect however that many people, especially those outwith the United States, are in the same position of ignorance.

Though after ruining city streets, in a drastic utter failure of basic civil engineering, and then entirely exiting a city in disgrace [1] they've left a lot of doubt and mistrust in their continued expansion "efforts".

[1] https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/04/googl...

This isn’t true. Fiber is actively expanding in many markets.

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