> "Now back in the early days of this country, when they moved heavy objects around, they didn't have any Caterpillar tractors, they didn't have any big cranes. They used oxen. And when they got a great big log on the ground, and one ox couldn't budge the darn thing, they did not try to grow a bigger ox. They used two oxen! And I think they're trying to tell us something. When we need greater computer power, the answer is not "get a bigger computer", it's "get another computer". Which of course, is what common sense would have told us to begin with."
This is a reaction to Grosch's Law, "Computing power increases as the square of the price".[1] In the early 1980s, people still believed that. Seymour Cray did. John McCarthy did when I was at Stanford around then. It didn't last into the era of microprocessors.
Amusingly, in the horse-powered era, once railroads started working, but trucks didn't work yet, there was a "last mile" problem - getting stuff from the railroad station or dock to the final destination. The 19th century solution was to develop a bigger breed of horse - the Shire Horse.[1]
The article you linked doesn't support your anecdote about the root of the Shire Horse. It describes their history dating back centuries before railways. Their biggest use seems to have been hauling material to and from ports, not trains.
Sure it does. Shires go back a ways, but they were not bred in quantity until the 1850s or so. "In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, there were large numbers of Shires, and many were exported to the United States."
Before and after that period, those big guys were an exotic breed. That's the railroad but pre-truck period.
(I've owned a Percheron, and have known some Shires.)
When you cite a source for something, the source should justify the thing you're claiming. The relevant part of your post to the thread was that "The 19th century solution was to develop a bigger breed of horse." It is entirely contrary to what the Wikipedia article says - "The breed was established in the mid-eighteenth century, although its origins are much older".
(relatives have owned Friesian's and Clydesdale's and Norwegian Fjording Horses, but it's neither here nor there)
That other definition doesn't really seem to fit either, but I acknowledge that if they had used a different word ("adopted a bigger breed" or "popularized a bigger breed" or something) then it would fit with the anecdote.
In working animal husbandry, breeds are rarely static and are typically selectively bred for the task at hand. As that task or its environment evolves, the breed is further developed or even forked to accommodate the new conditions.
So I think “developed” is fairly appropriate here, though “adapted” might have been more clear.
Additionally, with early pioneer logging, another solution to avoiding having logs which are too large to handle was to not drop them in the first place.
In the Pacific Northwest, US, early loggers would leave the huge ones - to the point where pioneers could complain about a lack of available timber in an old-growth forest.
When the initial University of Washington was built, land-clearing costs were a huge portion of the overall capital spend. The largest trees on the site weren't used for anything productive; rather, they were climbed, chained together, and domino felled at the same time. By attaching the trees together, they only needed to fell one tree which brought the whole mess down into a pile and they burned it.
I think there's a lesson here about choosing which logs you want to move.
The "to record an event" meaning of logging does in fact originate from wooden logs, which were used to calculate the speed of a ship under sail. A log, tied to a fathom-line, was cast off the stern, and the number of knots which passed through the sailors hands in a measured time interval determined the speed. This was recorded as "log", in what came to be known as the "ship's log". The term came to be used for event recording in general. This was used as a component of "dead reckoning" (that is, deduced reckoning of position) in navigation, prior to the development of accurate time-keeping and direct position reporting through LORAN, radar-navigation, and ultimately GPS. Dead reckoning was not especially accurate and had some rather notorious failure modes.
More recently, the Honda Point disaster in which the US Navy, 1923 saw the loss of 7 destroyers at flank speed of 20 knots off the Santa Barbara coast: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_Point_disaster>.
It's interesting to note that advances in timekeeping typically translate to improvements in location determination.
That "they didn't have any big cranes" forces the analogy in a way that breaks it. The solution wherever cranes are used is absolutely to get a bigger crane. And also, oxen were absolutely bred to be bigger. That's kind of the defining thing that distinguishes draft oxen from other kinds of cattle. But that process was limited by some factors that are peculiar to domesticated animals. And, of course, if you need to solve the problem right now, you make do with the current state of the art in farm animal technology.
Admiral Hopper's lecture wasn't delivered too long after 1976, which saw the release of both the CRAY-1 (single CPU) and the ILLIAC IV (parallel). ILLIAC IV, being more expensive, harder to use, and slower than the CRAY-1, was a promising hint at future possibility, but not particularly successful. Cray's quip on this subject was (paraphrasing) that he'd rather plow a field with one strong ox than $bignum chickens. Admiral Hopper was presumably responding to that.
What they both seem to miss is that the best tool for the job depends on both the job and the available tools. And they both seem to be completely missing that, if you know what you're doing, scale up and scale out are complementary: first you scale up the individual nodes as much as is practical, and then you start to scale out once scale up loses steam.
>And also, oxen were absolutely bred to be bigger. That's kind of the defining thing that distinguishes draft oxen from other kinds of cattle.
In your attempt to take down the analogy you just reinforced it. They quickly hit the limits of large oxen and had to scale up far faster than any selective breeding could help.
The exact same thing happened in computing even during the absolute hay day of Moore’s law. Workloads would very quickly hit the ceiling of a single server and the way to unblock yourself was not to wait for next gen chips but to parallelize.
It's not that multiprocessing systems didn't exist at the time Hopper delivered this lecture; it's that they remained fairly niche products for computing researchers and fairly deep-pocketed organizations. At the time, multiprocessing was still very difficult to pull off. It wasn't necessarily analogous to just yoking two oxen to the same cart. It was maybe more like a world where the time it takes to breed an ox that's twice as strong is comparable to the time it takes to develop a working yoke for state-of-the-art oxen, and also nobody's quite sure how to drive a two-oxen team because it's still such a new idea. So the parallel option wasn't as sure of a bet from a business perspective as it is now.
Interestingly, there are cases where a “support crane” is made to lift crane components up to a higher altitude where a different “primary crane” can be to do the remainder of the heavy lifting. At that point the listing can theoretically be efficiently parallelized, with two items being able to be hoisted at any given moment.
Her analogy is in the context of her larger topic of systems of computers, and I think history has largely proven out her advocated approach. She highlights a case of trying to cram a multi-user time sharing system, security system, database and actual programs all onto a single large computer, and contrasts this with having a separate system managing multiple user access, a separate system managing the database, and individual systems managing each application. Which sounds a lot like a firewall/gateway + Postgres server + API server + reporting server + etc + etc setup that is pretty much the design of every major system I've worked on. Yes, to a small degree, we sort of cram these things back into a single box these days by way of virtualization, but it's pretty rare to see a system where everything is running on the same machine, under the same OS like Admiral Hopper would have been talking about at the time.
If you served me two pound cakes at the same time, I would say things were improved. However, it wouldn't be very efficient as I would still only eat them serially instead of in parallel
My favorite quote/story was "Never Never Never take the First No!" (16:20) because some people are just obstructionists and others just want to see how serious you are. As she says, appreciation for how to do this comes with age, but to me a good definition of management in general is learning if, when, how, and how much to pushback against pushback.
There’s an inflection point, however. Hence Seymour Cray’s famous quip, “If you were plowing a field, which would you rather use? Two strong oxen or 1024 chickens?”
Well, if growing or breeding bigger oxen were as feasible as building bigger (mower powerful) computers was/is, perhaps people would take a different path?
In other words, perhaps the analogy is flawed?
Sure, but it's important to notice that the biggest off the shelf computers keep getting bigger.
Dual socket Epyc is pretty big these days.
If you can fit your job on one box (+ spares, as needed), you can save a whole lot of complexity vs spreading it over several.
It's always worth considering what you can fit on one box with 192-256 cores, 12TB of ram, and whatever storage you can attach to 256 lanes of PCIe 5.0 (minus however many lanes you need for network I/O).
You can probably go bigger with exotic computers, but if you have bottlenecks with the biggest off the shelf computer you can get, you might be better of scaling horizontally, but assuming you aren't growing 4x a year, you should have plenty of notice that you're coming to the end of easy vertical scaling. And sometimes you get lucky and AMD or Intel makes a nicely timed release to get you some more room.
exactly, that's what it is
as we hit the end of moore's law (which we won't, but we'll hit the end as far as feature size shrinkage)... one of the optimizations they will do is rote trivial process optimization. So if the chip failure rate on the assembly line is 40% they drop it to 10%. Costs will drop accordingly, because there are x-fold more transistors per dollar, thus ensuring moores law.
How to organize them is a hard problem. For general-purpose use, we have only three architectures today - shared memory multiprocessors, GPUs, and clusters.
When Hopper gave that talk, people were proposing all sorts of non-shared memory multiprocessor setups. The ILLIAC IV and the BBN Butterfly predate that talk, while the NCube, the Transputer, and the Connection Machine followed it by a year or two. This was a hot topic at the time.
All of those were duds. Other than the PS3 Cell, also a dud, none of those architectures were built in quantity. They're really hard to program. You have to organize your program around the data transfer between neighbor units. It really works only for programs that have a spatial structure, such as finite element analysis, weather prediction, or fluid dynamics calculations for nuclear weapons design. Those were a big part of government computing when Hopper was active. They aren't a big part of computing today.
It's interesting that GPUs became generally useful beyond graphics. But that's another story.
(Some) TPUs look more like those non-shared memory systems. The TPU has compute tiles with local memory and the program needs to deal with data transfer. However, the heavy lifting is left to the compiler, rather than the programmer.
Some TPUs are also structured around fixed dataflow (systolic arrays for matrix multiplication).
It's not really comparable to the other examples you cite - the ncube/transputer/connection machine, in that it was programmed conventionally, not requiring a special parallel language, but Tandem's NonStop was this, starting in ~1976 or 1977. Loosely coupled, shared-nothing processors, communicating with messages over a pair of high-speed inter-processor busses. It was certainly a niche product, but not a dud. It's still around having been ported from a proprietary stack-machine to MIPS to Itanium to X86.
EDIT: I suppose it can be compared to a Single System Image cluster.
Sure, but, as I was (rather unpopularly) pointing out in another comment, that point was pretty hard to reach in 1982. Specifically the point where you've met both criteria: bigger computer is too cost prohibitive to get, and lots of smaller computers is easier. At the time of this lecture, parallel computers had a nasty tendency to achieve poorer real-world performance on practical applications than their sequential contemporaries, despite greater theoretical performance.
It's still kind of hard even now. To date in my career I've had more successes with improving existing systems' throughput by removing parallelism than I have by adding it. Amdahl's Law plus the memory hierarchy is one heck of a one-two punch.
because you could still make bipolar electronics that beat out mass-produced consumer electronics. By the mid 1990s even IBM abandoned bipolar mainframes and had to introduce parallelism so a cluster of (still slower) CMOS mainframes could replace a bipolar mainframe. This great book was written by someone who worked on this project
we had at Cornell were going to win (ours was way bigger) because they were scalable. (e.g. the way Cray himself saw it, a conventional supercomputer had to live within a small enough space that the cycle time was not unduly limited by the speed of light so that kind of supercomputer had to become physically smaller, not larger, to get faster)
Now for very specialized tasks like codebreaking, ASICs are a good answer and you'd probably stuff a large number of them into expansion cards into rather ordinary computers and clusters today possibly also have some ASICs for glue and communications such as
The problem I see with people who attempt parallelism for the first time is that the task size has to be smaller than the overhead to transfer tasks between cores or nodes. That is, if you are processing most CSV files you can't round-robin assign rows to threads but 10,000 row chunks are probably fine. You usually get good results over a large range of chunk size but chunking is essential if you want most parallel jobs to really get a speedup. I find it frustrating as hell to see so many blog posts pushing the idea that some programming scheme like Actors is going to solve your problems and meeting people that treat chunking as a mere optimization you'll apply after the fact. My inclination is you can get the project done faster (human time) if you build in chunking right away but I've learned you just have to let people learn that lesson for themselves.
To your last point, it's been interesting to watch people struggle to effectively use technologies like Hadoop and Spark now that we've all moved to the cloud.
Originally, the whole point of the Hadoop architecture was that the data were pre-chunked and already sitting on the local storage of your compute nodes, so that the overhead to transfer at least that first map task was effectively zero, and your big data transfer cost was collecting all the (hopefully much smaller than your input data) results of that into one place in the reduce step.
Now we're in the cloud and the original data's all sitting in object storage. So shoving all your raw data through a tiny small slow network interface is an essential first step of any job, and it's not nearly so easy to get speedups that were as impressive as what people were doing 15 years ago.
That said I wouldn't want to go back. HDFS clusters were such a PITA to work with and I'm not the one paying the monthly AWS bill.
> The problem I see with people who attempt parallelism for the first time is that the task size has to be smaller than the overhead to transfer tasks between cores or nodes.
My big sticking point is that for some key classes of tasks, it's not clear that this is even possible. I've seen no credible reason to think that throwing more processors at the problem will ever build that one tool-generated template-heavy C++ file (IYKYK) in under a minute, or accurately simulate an old game console with a useful "fast forward" button, or fit an FPGA design before I decide to take a long coffee-and-HN break.
To be fair, some things that do parallelize well (e.g. large-scale finite element analysis, web servers) are extremely important. It's not as though these techniques and architectures and research projects are simply a waste of time. It's just that, like so many others before it, parallelism has been hyped for the past decade as "the" new computing paradigm that we've got to shove absolutely everything into, and I don't believe it.
It isn't for a great many tasks. Basically, whenever you're computing f(g(x)), you can't execute f and g concurrently.
What you can do is run g and h currently in something that looks like f(g(), h()). And you can vectorize.
A lot of early multiprocessor computers only gave you that last option. They had a special mode where you'd send exactly the same instructions to all of the CPUs, and the CPUs would be mapped to different memory. So in many respects it was more like a primitive version of SSE instructions than it is to what modern multiprocessor computers do.
I was getting into 3D around the time the Pentium was out, and I took a lot of time looking at the price of a single Pentium computer or multiple used 486s. The logic being a mini render farm would still be faster than a single Pentium. Never pulled the trigger on either option
These days, “get another computer” and “get a bigger computer” are basically the same thing; differences primarily residing in packaging and interconnects, but boy howdy can those interconnects make a difference.
Actually, humans have been doing exactly that through breeding over the millennia. They were just limited in their means.
This analogy has some "you wouldn't download a car!" vibes — sure I would, if it were practical (: And vertical scaling of computers is practical (up to some limits).
This is irrelevant to the example cited by Hopper. If you have a large log, you don't have time to breed a larger ox. You need to solve the problem with the oxen you have.
The thing is, Hopper said this in 1982. This was a time when, to keep stretching the analogy, it wasn't hard to find a second ox, but yokes were still flaky bleeding edge technology that mostly didn't work very well in practice.
One potentially more likely solution back in the day was to just accept the job was going to take a while. This would be analogous to using a block and tackle. The ox can do the job but they're going to pull for twice as long to get it done. Imagine pulleys cost $10, but a second ox costs $1000 and a yoke costs $5000, and getting the job done in less time is not worth $5,990 to you.
I'm all in favor of making the best of what's available. But at the same time, if such thinking is taken as dogma, innovation suffers.
You spoke of one log, and the time scales involved.
But suppose you have an entire forest of logs. Then it may indeed be worth breeding bigger oxen (or rather, inventing tractors).
I don't mean to accuse Hopper of shortsightedness, but when quotes by famous people, like the above, are thrown around without context, they encourage that dogmatic thinking.
So, I was more replying to that quote as it appeared here, rather than as it appeared in her talk.
> if such thinking is taken as dogma, innovation suffers.
I don’t think there’s anything about the original post, with quote about oxen, that reads as dogmatic, or invites such perspective.
Also, I think we can all agree most innovation happens as an extension of “making the best of what’s available” rather than independent of it, on a fully separate track.
Using two oxen can lead to realizing a bigger ox would be beneficial.
I don't mean to wear out this thread, and I totally respect your different viewpoint, but when I see:
... they're trying to tell us something. When we need greater
computer power, the answer is not "get a bigger computer", it's
"get another computer".
that does read as dogmatic advice to me, taken in isolation. It boils down to "the answer is X."
Not "consider these factors" or "weigh these different options," but just "this is the answer, full stop."
That's dogma, no?
(that aside, I do slightly regret the snarkiness of my initial comment :)
It is extremely rare that your compute workload has scaling properties that need just a little bit faster computer. The vast majority of the time if you are bound by hardware at all, the answer is to scale horizontally.
The only exception is really where you have a bounded task that will never grow in compute time.
Perhaps I misunderstand you, but what about those decades where CPUs were made faster and faster, from a few MHz up to several GHz, before hitting physical manufacturing and power/heat limits?
Was that all just a bunch of wasted effort, and what they should have been doing was build more and more 50MHz chips?
Of course not. There are lots of advantages to scaling up rather than out.
Even today, there are clear advantages to using an "xlarge" instance on AWS rather than a whole bunch of "nano" ones working together.
But all this seems so straightforward that I suspect I really don't understand your point...
>Perhaps I misunderstand you, but what about those decades where CPUs were made faster and faster, from a few MHz up to several GHz, before hitting physical manufacturing and power/heat limits?
If you waited for chips to catch up to your workload, you got smoked by any competitors who parallelized. Waiting even a year to double speed when you could just use two computers was still an eternity.
> Was that all just a bunch of wasted effort, and what they should have been doing was build more and more 50MHz chips?
No, that’s a stupid question and you know it. You set it up as a strawman to attack.
Hardware improvements are amazing and have let us do tons for much cheaper.
However, the ~4ghz CPUs we have now are not meaningfully faster in single thread performance compared to what you could buy literally a decade ago. If you’re sitting around waiting for 32ghz that should only be “3 years away”, you’re dead in the water. All modern improvements are power savings and density of parallel cores, which require you to face what Grace presented all those years ago.
Faster CPUs aren’t coming.
xlarge on AWS is a ton of parallel cores. Not faster.
I just want to make one last attempt to get my point across, since I think you are discussing in good faith, even if I don't like your aggressive timbre.
There is risk in reinforcing a narrow-minded approach that "all we need is more oxen." It limits one's imagination. That's the essence of what I've been advocating against in this thread, though perhaps my attempts and examples have merely chummed your waters. Ironically, I'd say Grace Hopper rather agrees, elsewhere in the linked talk[1].
I think the saddest phrase I ever hear in a computer installation
is that horrible one "but we've always done it that way." That's a
forbidden phrase in my office.
I liked grace hopper's comments as a rebuttal against "only vertical! No horizontal!" but I'd agree that reading that rebuttal dogmatically would be just as bad of a decision.
Bigger is better in terms of height and girth when it comes to capabilities. At any given time, figure out the most cost efficient number of oxen of varying breeds for your workload and redundancy needs and have at it. In another year if you're still travelling the Oregon trail you can reconsider doing the math again and trading in the last batch's oxen for some new ones, repeat as infinitum or as long as you're in business.
You clearly aren’t working in the constraints of computing in reality. The clock speed ceiling has been in place for nearly 20 years now. You haven’t posted anything suggesting alternatives are possible.
Your point has been made and I’m telling you very explicitly that it’s bad. The years of waiting for faster processors have been gone for basically a generation of humans. When you hit the limit of a core, you don’t wait a year for a faster core, you parallelize. The entire GPU boom is exemplary of this.
I agree. And it is interesting too that the ceiling for the faster computer still goes back to her visualization of a nanosecond. Keep cutting that wire smaller and smaller, and there's almost nothing left to cut. But if we want it to go faster, we'd need to keep halving the wires.
Despite the very plain language her talk has a lot of depth to it and I do think how interesting how on the money she was with her thoughts all the way back then.
I think the misunderstanding here (and I apologize where I've contributed to it) is that you think I'm talking specifically and only about CPU clock rates.
The scale-up/scale-out tradeoff applies to many things, both in computing and elsewhere. I was trying to make a larger point.
I guess it's appropriate, in this discussion about logging, that we got into some mixup between the forest and the trees (:
In there context of an analogy for parallelism, a tractor is just a bigger oxen. The whole point seems to be instead of making a bigger X to do function Y one has the option to use multiple X at the same time.
>But suppose you have an entire forest of logs. Then it may indeed be worth breeding bigger oxen
That’s idiotic unless you have other constraints. The parallelism allows you to also break apart the oxen to do multiple smaller logs at the same time when their combined force isn’t needed.
To an extent, but there's also a reason why beasts of burden didn't get to arbitrarily large sizes. Scaling has limits (particularly in this case both thermal limits and material strength limits).
Wow! This being released is wonderful and unexpected. I first heard about these tapes being found six weeks ago yet the NSA being unable to release them due to not having a suitable working 1-inch VTR machine (via this article: https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2024/jul/10/grace-hop...)
That article was re-posted here on HN and elsewhere but didn't seem to get much attention and I feared the worst, since 1-inch magnetic video tape degrades with time. Very frustrating since such vintage VTRs do exist in working order in the hands of museums, video preservationists and collectors. Now six weeks later we get the best possible news! Hopefully, that article and the re-postings helped spread the word and someone in control of access to the tape got connected to someone with the gear.
And what an amazing piece of history to have preserved. I'm only ten minutes into the first tape but she's obviously a treasure - clear thinking, great communication and a sharp wit. Even captured here later in life you can clearly see why she was so successful and highly regarded by her peers (including some the most notable people in early computing history).
From the press release on the page[0] explains they got a machine from the National Archives. Though it probably would of been more fun if they directly cooperated with citizens of the public to decode the tapes.
>While NSA did not possess the equipment required to access the footage from the media format in which it was preserved, NSA deemed the footage to be of significant public interest and requested assistance from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to retrieve the footage. NARA’s Special Media Department was able to retrieve the footage contained on two 1’ APEX tapes and transferred the footage to NSA to be reviewed for public release.
"The National Archives and Records Administration has standard procedures and approved vendors for this.[1] One of their approved vendors, Colorlab, has 1" type C equipment. Colorlab is conveniently located just outside the Capitol Beltway, about 20 miles west of NSA HQ at Fort Meade. Colorlab does preservation and conversion work for the Library of Congress, Warner Bros., Universal, NBC, The New York Public Library, Paramount, HBO, etc. NARA has a standard form for government agencies requesting this service.[3] It looks like it's not even charged against the sending agency - Archives picks up the bill."[1]
That used to be the norm! My personal favorite story along those lines was how they proposed changes to DES S-boxes without any detailed explanation. The open community was skeptical but it later turned out that the changes they proposed protected against differential cryptanalysis[1], which was at the time not known outside the intelligence community. That said, they did cut the key size dramatically which ended up weakening DES to the point that it could be trivially brute forced by the early 2000s, which led to 3DES and AES.
they did strengthen the s-boxes against differential cryptanalysis, yes, but since 02004 we have evidence that they also sabotaged it as part of a deliberate policy they'd put in place in 01968: https://blog.cr.yp.to/20220805-nsa.html
The sleight of hand here is to equate publicly reducing the key size, which was known (presumably at the time as well) to be a weakening of the system, with a supposed weakness injected cryptically into the S-boxes --- which we now know is the opposite of what happened.
Further, the truncated version of DES that got standardized far outlasted its expected lifetime --- the National Bureau of Standards expected DES to have a useful lifetime of about 5 years. And even at the time it was understood that you could expand the keysize by tripling up the DES core.
I think there's a really big difference between publicly weakening a standard, in effect telling the world "we want a standard that is adequate for commercial purposes but inadequate for military purposes, so as to retain our national edge", and doing what they did with Dual-EC, where it was impossible (apparently) for people to reason about what NSA was up to.
> and doing what they did with Dual-EC, where it was impossible (apparently) for people to reason about what NSA was up to.
Schneier was clearly able to reason about what NSA was up to, and told everyone in 2007 not to use Dual-EC, 6 years before the Snowden revelations.
I believe you have admitted that you thought that “Dual-EC has a backdoor” was a wild conspiracy theory until the Snowden revelations? Which makes the “impossible (apparently)” part a classic case of projection.
(I thought nobody should use Dual EC! But that was my reason for thinking it wasn't an NSA backdoor, because it was too dumb to be one. I underestimated the industry's capacity for "dumb". Also: I was dumb! I am dumb a lot.)
NIST didn’t design Dual-EC, NSA did. But NIST did the really hard work, which involved slapping their organization’s name on it, and not asking any inconvenient questions.
Thankfully we found a better way that ensures cryptographic security, which is to get former NSA interns to write the PQC standards, instead of proper NSA employees.
As a shorthand for this site, I'm not distinguishing between the two organizations. Which former NSA interns are you talking about? You can get their names from the pq-crystals.org site. Which one should we not be trusting?
A wonderful question that exposes me to legal action if I answer.
A better question: why do you think so many of your cryptographic feline friendz were so excited about isogenies for the past decade? Where do you think they all obtained that identical enthusiasm from? Why do you think SIKE made it so far in the contest and only got eliminated through luck?
Your theory here is that NSA coordinated an action whereby the PQC standard selected could be broken by anybody in the world with a Python script, based on research disclosed to the public in the 1990s.
I'm guessing this isn't a conversation that's going to take us into Richelot isogenies.
You obviously know that the Python script wasn’t submitted to NIST along with the draft standard.
Is Dual-EC-DRBG fine because we never saw the FVEY Python exploit that breaks it?
I think my theory here is that NSA coordinated an action whereby they figured no one was reading obscure algebraic geometry papers from 1997. In our low-attention-span world, it’s not the worst plan.
(Hell, folks didn’t realize TAOSSA contained 0day for a long time. Simply putting something in front of the public doesn’t mean they’ll read or comprehend it.)
It is literally the worst plan, because it leaves every PQC-protected system in the world exposed to everybody in the world. It's a theory that depends on NSA just wanting to watch the world burn.
Dual EC isn't broken by an exploit script. It's broken with a secret key.
> It is literally the worst plan, because it leaves every PQC-protected system in the world exposed to _everybody in the world_.
No, it leaves every SIKE-protected system in the world exposed to _everybody who reads obscure algebraic geometry papers from 1997._ We got really lucky that the two dorks who do read those papers decided to share their insights.
For all you know, there’s a paper sitting at the Institute For Advanced Study that would let you write a marvelous pq-crystals-shattering Python script, but they’ll never tell you the combination to the safe.
(Again: TAOSSA contained 0day exploits, and few noticed for a decade.)
You seem to believe the only thing preventing people from exploiting Dual EC is not having read the right cryptography papers. No; the reason why that's not the case is plainly evident from Dual EC's structure (if that were true, the NSA would presumably have no need of Dual EC!). Our premises are too far apart to usefully discuss this.
I thought PQC systems were wrapping classical encryption within the PQC protection so even if you broke PQC you'd still be left having to crack classical. Of course some hypothetical future QC could then accomplish this task so the future proofing goal of PQC would be violated.
The proposal is to do exactly this (hybrid schemes using a pre and a post quantum scheme).
However in this context the debate is just over the PQ scheme (not the overall system). Also, NSA are not planning to mandate a hybrid system for government use. Others may do the same.
I don't know if I count as a "feline friend", but: SIDH kept the DH shape. Being able to upgrade the protocols we had relatively closely is appealing. "Structure is useful but seems precarious" wasn't exactly secret knowledge.
What people on these threads aren't prepared to grok is that cryptography engineers (even the older ones) are gothy af, and the isogeny graph diagrams all looked like black magic stuff out of the Lesser Key of Solomon. Sorry, there isn't more to it than that.
I never understood the Dual-EC backdoor. What was the point? Who would be dumb enough to use that as their CSPRNG when so many simpler, faster, and less sus options were available?
I supposed they did (allegedly) pay RSA Security to make this the default choice in BSAFE but that seems like an awful lot of work to hack one product.
That was my take too, but in fairness to everyone else who was right about this, once you stepped back and looked at the design for what it was, rather than as a weird concoction that happened to spit out random numbers, it was extremely obvious what the purpose of the design was. Another thing happening with me and Dual EC: I just know a lot more about cryptography today than I did 13 years ago. (I'm not a cryptographer; I'm a vulnerability person that happens to specialize a bit in cryptography vulnerabilities. It's a great rhetorical hedge.)
Another thing I was very certain (and certainly wrong) about was that no competent team was using BSAFE in 2010. The more I've learned about cryptography the less confidence I've held onto in industry cryptography practices outside of Google, Apple, and Microsoft. I would have assumed the major networking vendors were playing at roughly the same level. Yikes, no.
Yeah they unfortunately abused the good will they got from that. Once differential cryptanalysis was known and it was clear the NSA had strengthened the DES S-boxes, people started trusting them. And they started making lots of suggestions to various standards. Only now they were inserting back doors. It wasn’t until Snowden that the pendulum of public paranoia swung back the other way.
Unless you count Clipper as a "backdoor", this article asks the same question I am. The whole point of Clipper, of course, was that keys were escrowed.
Clipper was deliberately backdoored (the key exchange had a trap door), with that backdoor only publicly found after its release. This was more the a just key escrow. Why would that not count?
The entire point of Clipper was to field cryptography that NSA could break. That wasn't a later revelation. It was the understanding at the time. It's why there were "the crypto wars".
The NSA being the good guys for once feels strange. Especially caring for public interest.
Only if everything you know about the NSA comes from the evil, cackling, mustache-twirling caricatures of it promulgated by angry people on the internet.
Once you look beyond the politics, propaganda, and axe-grinding that is endemic to the online world you find out all sorts of fascinating things about the U.S. government.
Of course the NSA (and arguably any topic) is more nuanced than internet discourse likes to admit. That said, they've done plenty to warrant people's paranoia of them and not a lot to dissuade it.
It's entertaining how many people online think government intelligence agencies actually care about them at all, considering the limited amount of time in the day and all the info that said agencies need to know about adversary countries and other important topics.
For 99 44/100 percent of the online outrage bait, I'm like "you're not that interesting, and they almost certainly don't care about you anyway."
I don't think the Federal government has had much control over public perception of itself for quite some time now. We're not living in an age of manufactured consent in which the dominating central tendency is more or less obvious.
The concept of manufactured consent always felt a bit suspect, but Kamala Harris' presidential candidacy has been covered by say, the NYTimes and The Guardian with little to no criticism, and they seem to be intentionally masking the fact that she has no real policies or any sort of platform. What else, if anything, points you towards the image of a state in whose operations it wants to appear as ambiguous as possible? The real threat, the known threat to state security is Trump, because he and his followers are crazy.
If the NSA, and other intelligence agencies, had any influence on the election, why wouldn't they do exactly what it would appear they are doing now and get a milquetoast liberal elected to office who will easily capitulate to their demands?
> intentionally masking the fact that she has no real policies or any sort of platform
What you're suggesting doesn't exist - and is being skirted around by the news - is in fact widely available. Google's right there.
> If the NSA, and other intelligence agencies, had any influence on the election, why wouldn't they do exactly what it would appear they are doing now and get a milquetoast liberal elected to office who will easily capitulate to their demands?
This strikes me as working backwards from a conclusion. If in your view the intelligence community would operate in that way, how would you ever know one way or the other?
One thing we can certainly agree on is that Trump is the real threat. It is pretty damning of our age that "not having a platform"(to your satisfaction) is supposed to be met as a serious criticism, but her opponent's openly unhinged behavior is just "how it is".
Lol, she's discussed far more of a platform than Trump. Trump never gets into specifics. The closest we've gotten is his insane plan for a flat 10% tariff which would be devastating for the middle class.[1] Other than that, he deals solely in empty platitudes.[2]
Meanwhile, Harris has made specific policy promises on a wide range of issues.[3]
>and they seem to be intentionally masking the fact that she has no real policies or any sort of platform
She doesn't need one: the fact that she's not Trump, and she's not old enough to be senile or on death's door, is all she needs for most voters. It's not like the Democratic Party had a bunch of other viable candidates in a position to mount a presidential campaign this close to the election.
If you want to criticize the US for having a crappy FPTP election system that basically guarantees only two viable parties on the national stage, that's fair, but that's not the fault of journalism outlets, it's baked into the Constitution and other legislation.
<The real threat, the known threat to state security is Trump, because he and his followers are crazy. If the NSA, and other intelligence agencies, had any influence on the election...
Also, those news outlets may very well have their own agenda they're pushing, without any help from the intelligence agencies or anyone else: back in 2015, the media did help to make Hillary look bad. Perhaps they're blaming themselves partially for Trump getting elected, so this time around they want to make sure they don't turn off voters to the non-crazy candidate just because she isn't perfect. (And granted, Kamala doesn't have nearly as much baggage as Hillary did, which helps a lot.)
What, exactly, did they do to further their evil plans?
Did they inject Biden with a dementia drug to force a withdrawal and engineer the timing such that the current Vice President was pretty much the only viable option for the US Democrats to rally behind?
Seems like a tightrope feat of Rube Goldberg Heath Robinson needle threading.
>Did they inject Biden with a dementia drug to force a withdrawal and engineer the timing such that the current Vice President was pretty much the only viable option for the US Democrats to rally behind?
It's not a one-way relation to power. Intelligence agencies are nothing if not opportunistic, they can influence elections but if one of the candidates is clearly incompetent there isn't much they can do unless he drops out. You're forgetting that Jill Stein would've never been endorsed by Biden; what appears to be chaotic and contingent actually has a strong set of boundary conditions of possibility that all the contingency is contained within, and intelligence agencies, including even the state department for foreign affairs, try to control that. Not individual actions, but the ability to perform them, the rationality of it. The fact that you can't even imagine a candidate besides Donald Trump who poses a serious threat to the state intelligence apparatus shows you that they've already won, or at least nearly so.
> The fact that you can't even imagine a candidate besides Donald Trump who poses a serious threat to the state intelligence
How'd you get this incorrect insight into what I think ... and what makes you think that Trump is a serious threat to the US state intelligence apparatus?
He encouraged a group of his supporters to overthrow the government to allow him to stay in elected office, and his political advisors have developed a plan for him to wipe out the executive branch in its current form if he gets re-elected? There won't be a security state under Trump, at least as it exists now.
I think you claimed that Harris was somehow not an ideal candidate for the current hegemonic forces in the US, or at least those forces of power wouldn't do what they could to make sure she gets elected. One of Chomsky's points was precisely this, they goad you with progressive political candidates who don't actually threaten power. The two main forces of power in the US are capitalist industry and the state, but the truth is that both have an interest in maintaining power relations such as they are, and so what we are witnessing in most elections is just a sort of balancing act between direct and indirect means of control. With Trump you have someone who is so insanely narcissistic that he is completely unreliable and there is essentially no way of using him to maintain state control as such.
Overthrowing an elected government doesn't threaten the longevity of security agencies or "the security state" and having read Project 2025 I see no threat to "the security state" .. if anything he'd be bringing more work their way.
Trump is a threat to democracy, not to TLA's.
> I think you claimed that Harris was somehow not an ideal candidate for the current hegemonic forces in the US,
I made no such claim. Perhaps you might like to scroll back and identify where I did, I suspect you've confused me for another.
With the type of work the NSA does, I can't imagine many of the didn't know who Grace Hopper was. I expect they did it out of respect for her, rather than for the benefit of the general public.
A timeless piece of advice comes toward the end, where she describes all the smart, young professionals out there who are looking for positive leadership. It means respect those above and keep them informed, and look after your crew.
The zeitgeist of the time was shifting emphasis onto management (MBA type stuff) but the army had a saying; you can't manage a soldier into war, you lead them.
So it's interesting to know why people say what they do *when* (1982) they do. At 5:23 Rear Adm. Hopper says "they are dumping polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) around the country side".
Toxic waste was a highly relevant cultural phenomena at the time. I believe she was referencing the "Valley of the Drums" toxic waste site which was proposed as a superfund site in 12/82. Love Canal made the subject popular 5 years earlier.
For some reason I'm extremely interested in toxic waste. Anyways bit of reference.
> For some reason I'm extremely interested in toxic waste. Anyways bit of reference.
Toxic waste is a real life monster that make for the best horror stories. Fictional monsters as in creatures aint got shit on real life willful poisoning of entire communities causing the suffering and deaths of millions. And its all done intentionally because someone wants more money - greed. The real monsters take on a dual form - the head of the beast being the people responsible and the body being the invisible poisons carelessly tossed onto the earth. Makes lovecraft and others look like mickey mouse.
For anyone interested, this is far and away the best book I've read on the subject of toxic waste. It became rare over the past 5 years. Used to be available on Open Library but I think they received a DMCA. Even the NYC public library only has one copy located at the main branch. Library wouldn't let me loan it out.
You know, I find hard to enjoy fiction because I have read so much history.
The things that actually happened to real people, the things real people have done... they are just way more incredible and terrible than any one author is capable of dreaming up. The fact that they actually happened also gives them more heft...
This story[1] would have been in the news around that time as well, FWIW. I'm guessing there were probably many other related cases around the country also.
The landfill was created in 1982 by the State of North Carolina as a place to dump contaminated soil as result of an illegal PCB dumping incident.
The "illegal PCB dumping incident" refers to dumping of PCB contaminated oil from the Ward Transformer Factory along the sides of highways in several (14) NC counties, back in 1978.
Here in Silicon Valley there's often surprise at my reluctance to eat fruit grown from back yard trees. It's sort of assumed that fruit right off the tree is somehow organic and healthy.
"Have you checked to see if this area is sitting on EPA Superfund designated land, or down stream?" The response is usually a blank look.
So I ask them why is this area called Silicon Valley? Then I ask if they realize how incredibly toxic the solvents used in chip manufacturing are? And then I ask how much 1950s and 60s companies cared about environmental concerns? Most people connect the dots pretty quickly. "Holy shit." Is the usual response.
It really wouldn't surprise me if Fairchild, Intel and the rest just took barrels of used chemicals out back and dumped them into holes in the ground back when.
Google got hit by this a few years ago when they built an office building on top of toxic waste and now have to have 24/7 basement ventilation to make sure workers there don't get sick.
There are whole neighborhoods built on that same polluted land. I'll get my orange from Safeway, thanks.
In the biography of Gordon Moore, he mentioned that when he was inventing Intel's process chemistry they just routinely poured all their solvents down the same drain. The strong acids ate away the concrete (which wasn't noticed until long after), so nearly everything they poured down, went into the ground and hit the water table, then spread out. Moore's excuse was that they didn't really teach chemistry safety when he was in school.
Unpolluted quality soil is a valuable commodity. Anyone growing food in an area with a history of electronics and semiconductor fabrication would be wise to haul in a few truckloads of soil from an organic farmer and grow all their plants in raised beds.
It's possible to build semiconductor devices without polluting the soil and water table, but it means every factory needs to build at least a small chemical waste processing plant onsite, or (better) design new closed-loop manufacturing processes that minimize or eliminate waste.
> Here in Silicon Valley there's often surprise at my reluctance ...
It's definitely not just the Valley. I live in rural western Ohio. It was really eye-opening to see how much contamination there is even here, in a relatively sparsely-populated area. Once I knew the extent my feelings about local real estate changed dramatically. Everybody should research toxic sites in their area.
No doubt the manufacturing center in Dayton, OH, helped drive local contamination. I'm in a suburb 30 miles away in another county, however. We've got fun Superfund sites like the old county incinerator (PCB), two contaminated aquifers (tetrachloroethene and trichloroethylene) under the largest town in the County (from three sources, too!), and lead from a battery "recycler".
I simply can't understand the mentality earlier generations had re: environmental contamination. I hear it in my father (71) re: anthropogenic climate change ("I can't believe the activities of humans could change such a large system...") and I imagine similar sentiments were in the minds of people dumping PCB or lead into the ground. It's chilling to me.
I do woodworking in some shop space I rent in northern Minneapolis. The building complex used to be a General Mills research laboratory from about the 20s through the 50s. Reportedly, Cheerios were invented there. At the time it was a relatively rural area, so how do you dispose of your research chemicals? Dump 'em in a pit out back!
Now, it's a fairly densely populated urban neighborhood. It was declared a superfund site in the 80s, and they're still monitoring the site and working on nearby properties for remediation, decades later. https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/hazar...
> I simply can't understand the mentality earlier generations had re: environmental contamination. I hear it in my father (71) re: anthropogenic climate change ("I can't believe the activities of humans could change such a large system...") and I imagine similar sentiments were in the minds of people dumping PCB or lead into the ground. It's chilling to me.
It is bonkers, but you still see it all the time. "Oh, my choice to drive a 10 MPG SUV to work every day doesn't matter. I'm only one person."
yes, this applies anywhere the land has changed hands. who knows what a farmer or rancher used the land for before they sold it to a housing developer? or did a previous homeowner use pesticides or herbicides that have since been banned?
This is, unfortunately, still ongoing even in Silicon Valley. Apple had a skunkworks office building caught venting their byproducts to atmosphere with completely inadequate filtrating.
My recollection is the only source for this was a questionable rant on Elon's mass misinformation website. Was this ever actually investigated by professionals?
I love her sense of humor! One story she tells is about the world’s first computer bug [1], I had never heard it nor the history of the word.
She also mentions they were using computers to enhance satellite photos, it took 3 days to process but they could determine the height of waves in the middle of the pacific and the temperature 20 feet below the surface.
I think that article buries the most interesting part! It's true that "bug" in that sense dates back to the 19th century, but before that, it didn't necessarily mean "insect" - it could mean something like "malevolent spirit", as in Hamlet's "bugs and goblins".
Hopper's involvement is not about being the one to coin the term, but about being the first to find an actual, physical computer bug. It's clear from the story the implication was not that it was the first use of the term as in that case the joke would make no sense.
Just watched this and it was fantastic. The first half is much like public lectures of hers I've watched before, but the second half goes into more depth in a variety of areas that were pretty cutting edge for 1982 like cybersecurity, loose coupling/modularity in software, VLSI/SoC, and programming language standardization.
I loved her few extremely specific references. She mentions the cheapest computer one can buy, the Intel 8021, a chip sold for 13 cents a piece if you buy a hundred. That's a great visualization of how cheap her system of computers can be.
Ok, this got me curious, how much have things changed for low-end embedded microcontrollers?
Some numbers from a few minutes of searching:
- Then: Intel 8021: 1 kB ROM, 64 B RAM, 11MHz, about $.40-.50 in 2024 dollars
- Now: ATtiny25: 1kB ROM, 128 B of RAM, 20 MHz, maybe $.70-$.80 each for a huge order
Not sure if this is the right comparison, and I'm sure there are lots of other differences that the topline numbers don't capture and that I don't know about (e.g, power consumption, instruction set, package size, etc. etc.)
that's much faster than many multiuser machines i've used
the promise of java (and oberon) was that such large runtime overhead would be unnecessary with better static checking, and j2me and oberon seem to have largely borne that out
You might want to check out The Amazing $1 Microcontroller [1] which explores multiple microcontrollers that could be had for less than $1 (when buying a hundred of them) in 2020. I haven't checked how much the prices have dropped since (if at all) but it could still be a good starting point when looking for parts at the 8021's price range.
these are generally much lower power than the 8021, but really the place to look for power consumption is ambiq; these are all conventional cmos rather than the subthreshold logic ambiq uses
the biggest omission is that they cut it down from 28 to 21 i/o pins and eliminated interrupts, which would be a big loss in a modern microcontroller, but it was nmos rather than cmos, so you're looking at unholy power consumption anyway; 40 milliamps (typ., p. 192/478 (6-49)) at 5 volts is 200 milliwatts. but they also cut the clock speed, the minimal machine cycle time on the 8021 is listed as 10 μs (with a 3 megahertz crystal) rather than the 8048's 2.5μs or the 8049's 1.36μs. so you get 0.07 8-bit mips. it uses dynamic logic and dynamic ram to save space so you can't clock it at less than 20% of that, so you can't do low-power sleep, ever
they also omitted the subtract instruction, which the 8048 doesn't have either. i guess you can use cpl, inc, add. (i see that what the manual suggests is cpl, add, cpl.) there's enough space for multiply and divide subroutines but they ain't gonna be fast
also, you can forget about programming an 8021's program memory. it's mask-programmable only; you have to do your test programming on an 8748 before you place your order with intel for a batch of 8021s with a custom silicon mask encoding your 1024 bytes of already tested and debugged firmware. so those 42-cent∆ prices were necessarily in rather large batches. the 8051 and 8048/8049 had an 'ea' pin you can pull high to get it to execute code from external memory instead, but i don't think the 8021 did; the manual says, "no external rom expansion capability is provided."
0.07 8-bit mips is about 0.005 dhrystone mips, although i think the 8021 is too small to run dhrystone. the cypress chip i linked above is about 60 dhrystone mips at 48 megahertz, so about 12000 times faster, for about a 25× lower price. it also has 4096 bytes of ram instead of 64 (16×), 32 kibibytes of nonvolatile program memory instead of 1 (32×), plus 8 kibibytes of rom, and you can program the flash in-application (i.e., under the control of the program it's running). it has a hardware multiplier, which is about a 10× additional speedup for dsp type stuff. in deep sleep it uses 2.5μamps. at full speed it's a bit of a power hog by current standards, slurping a hefty 13 milliamps (at 1.8 volts if you like, so 23 milliwatts, almost ⅛ the 8021, but if you're in deep sleep most of the time you can go another 5000× lower). and it's 1.6mm×2mm. and you can program it in c. it has only 9 gpio pins, though!
despite nominally being a psoc the cypress chip has no analog peripherals, not even a comparator. it does have internal oscillators (with no external components), pwm generation, i2c, spi, uart, and quadrature input, and its gpio pins have seven drive strength modes
so depending on whether cpu speed or memory space is the bigger bottleneck for your application, price/performance has improved between 400× and 300000× since the 8021. for things that were constrained by battery life or reprogrammability, the difference isn't quantitative, it's just that the 8021 couldn't do the job at all
in the metric of interest to hopper, though, which was computers per buck rather than mips per buck, it's only about 25× better than then
I was disappointed that she didn't really talk about multilevel security, which had solved the computer security problem by the time of this talk. However, her focus on breaking things into individual systems instead of multiprogrammed ones could be seen as an effective approach at the time.
It wasn't until persistent internet connections became the norm, that this would have been shown to be an illusion. An illusion we continue to suffer for to this day.
The proof she presents in Part 2 (t=15:00) on software changes propagating through a system is perhaps the best theoretical justification I have ever seen for Object Oriented design principles and encapsulation:
It's a strong case for loose coupling, but that can be achieved with object oriented programming, functional programming, or any number of other paradigms.
I'm going to say "no". In her example she mentions that the problem she's trying to solve is that flowcharts [1] need to be 3D to model multiple systems and components operating in parallel, but that's just trying to push a single-system tool beyond it's usefulness. Trying to model multiple systems like that would lead to an explosion in the number of transitions very quickly.
The closest we have nowadays to her "3D flowcharts" idea would be UML in general [2] and Orthogonal State Machines [3] in particular, but I think that what her problem really needed was better encapsulation and interfaces between systems.
Yup - thats what an AI vector DB is all about - matrices.
EDIT: @-probably_wrong
You have to think that she also has to put things into the minds of others who dont have here prescient forethought of systems.
Listen to all she says about "systems of computers" where "you need a computer to run all these other computers" and that you have ~160KB over head to run a 32KB program... andn how she breaks down all the constituents in a cluster, down to security auth...
And she tells you to buy a Scientific Molocule Model set to be able to design computer systems in 3d.
I agree that she's right regarding how distributed systems will eventually work. My disagreement is not with the "what" nor the "why", but rather with the "how". If a "better Molecule Kit" were the solution then I think we would have built one today in VR.
IMO the fundamental problem is that visualizing complex systems fails because the result is either too cumbersome to be useful or too simplified. UML tried to solve that issue (in 2D) by allowing you to go into more/less detail as you need it, and yet its adoption in modern software development is uneven at best. And there's a reason why we use flowcharts mostly for beginner's problems.
The actual solution, I believe, was getting away from visualizations by making robust software (well...) with clear interfaces to abstract the complexity away. Reaching this conclusion took a lot of work by plenty of brilliant minds, so I'm not faulting her for not being that accurate in that particular prediction.
NVIDIA named one of their chip platforms after her.
I mean, at the time that she was saying this, you couldnt fill a Trump Rally with as many people on the planet at the time knew the future of compute the way she did.
She also talks about the first bug during this one as well as some general lore, history, lessons learned and brings up some good future problems - some of which got solved, some didn't. Def worth watching the whole thing.
> "I think we forget that the four and five year olds are learning arithmetic. The little professor. The six year olds are getting Speak and Spell. You better look out, there's going to be a generation coming, that will know how to spell."
> The seven-year-olds, of course, are learning BASIC, running the computers. I know one man that bought a computer and took it home, his son is teaching him BASIC. His son is seven. Of course I know another guy that took a computer home, now he has to apply to his three children for computer time."
> They're tremendously bright and they are out there, the brightest youngsters we have ever had."
As a GenXer who was a 10yo computer nerd programming BASIC in 1982, I'm proud to know that she was talking about myself and my peers!
But then she goes on to predict that the brightest kids will come from rural areas because they have "good schools". No idea where she got that idea from - I moved from a city to a rural area around that time and the education wasn't any better and my access to computers was totally gone. In my experience, most rural areas, especially in flyover states, neither had the money for a computer lab, nor the teachers that knew how to use them.
> But then she goes on to predict that the brightest kids will come from rural areas because they have "good schools". No idea where she got that idea from
She is speaking from the perspective of someone leading a team of people that volunteered for the Navy and were then selected to do technical work for her team.
I think that given the years in which she lived, she would have certainly be seeing the side effect effects of the growing divide in opportunity between the urban and rural areas. A smart, hardworking kid in the city or suburbs is going to have a fulfilling job or go off to college at a higher rate than the equivalently talented and hardworking kid from farm country, where joining the military is probably the best chance at advancement that they're going to get.
Something like that --- my going to Stanford was torpedoed by my rural high school not being able to find a teacher for calculus my senior year, so, having aced the ASVAB, EDPT, and DLPT, I enlisted.
That rural school system was a marked change from the one near Columbus AFB I had previously attended --- most students were from the base and the school received a generous amount of DoD funding to offset that, so all of the teachers had Masters degrees, and a number of them were accredited as faculty at a nearby college --- classes were strongly divided between social such as homeroom, P.E., social studies, &c. (attended at one's grade level) and academic (attended at one's grade level with a cap on 4 years ahead if in grade 8 or lower --- said cap was removed at 8th grade and students could begin taking college courses --- many graduated high school and were simultaneously awarded a 4 year college degree).
Seconding this: even in the 90s, the central California high school I went to had most of the top students looking at the military if they didn’t love FFA – the costs were already high enough thanks to Reagan’s cuts that they couldn’t afford tuition at the state schools without significant loans, weren’t from families where taking on that kind of debt was something you did, and the military benefits looked great in an era where you were unlikely to deploy at all or if you did it’d be something like peacekeeping in Bosnia. One of the guys I was in a few classes with ended up deploying into Afghanistan early on. I didn’t see his name in the news after that so I hope he’s okay.
I grew up in a very blue collar rust belt type of area, and if you were a smart kid that showed an interest in the military, the school guidance staff would try to keep you away from the standard military recruiters and point you towards ROTC while studying engineering at State U. A person taking that route would never have been assigned to Hopper’s team.
And again, the wealthy area where I live now, if you are a bright kid that shows an interest in the military they are going to try to get you to do ROTC at the top engineering school possible, or setting up interviews with the Congressman or Senator to try to get a nomination into one of the academies.
So by percentages, the best enlisted men and women are likely to be from more rural areas.
"I have already received the highest award that I will ever receive no matter how long I live, no matter how many more jobs that I have- and that has been the privilege and responsibility of serving very proudly in the United States Navy."
Don't forget she was born in 1906, having this thinking at 76 is something only few of us will be able to do. She had been born in an age before so many things that were important to the 20th century but are already outdated and being replaced in our 21st century. Amazing!
I can't wait to watch this later. I watched just a few minutes starting at this timestamp [0] (it was linked in another comment) and it was gold, I love her sense of humor.
What I lived most about the first presentation was her questions about “Valuing Information” and getting nothing but blank stares whenever she asked this question.
This is also a huge missed research domain in biomedical research. For me the vale of information (data utility) is a function of data connectivity potential. If I have one vector of data that connects to 1000 other vectors of data then that vector has much greater utility (all else equal) than onr vector that only connects on one other vector. The first vector is “smart” data that leads to valuable information, the second vector is “mute” data—just barely information at all.
At 32 min she talks about a book called "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About
Microcomputers, but didn't know who to ask" by Slater. I found a reference on archive but nothing more, also nothing on the author.
Leland W. Slater, "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About
Microcomputers," Computop i cs . 3/82, pp. 38ff.
Not a book, but a paper. I found two citations, but I can't find either version.
Slater, L.W. (1982). Everything you ever wanted to know about microcomputers (but
didn’t know WHO to ask). Navy Regional Data Automation Center Publ., Norfolk,
Virginia, 19 pp.
Leland W. Slater, "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Microcomputers," Computopics, 3/82, pp. 38ff.
(Computopics appears to have been the magazine of the Washington DC chapter of the ACM.)
She said that there has been no research on measuring the value of information relative to other information and that the way priorities are set are by the squeakiest most senior person.
In 2024 I can say this has not changed one bit. Even though we’ve gone through the Information Age, we still make decisions like we live in the Gilded Age.
'I've gotten the most amount of blank stares I've ever gotten' when in regards to how people value their information.
I mention two things outside of social media, which is what most people think is the internet, about what I can do with a computer and people stare at me like I'm speaking alien languages. I come to hacker news and realize I'm not even 1% as smart as most of you.
A good video to watch. She's really funny. Really smart.
Just checked: her compiler was called A-0. If I remember well, she did it when she was teaching mathematics to help her students.
(As a part of my English language exam when I was a student, I had to write a text about a subject of my choice. I wrote about the history of programming languages: that's where I discovered Grace Hopper and mentioned her work in my essay).
There's the automated Youtube transcript, of course, but while searching for a paper she referenced, I came across a transcript of essentially the same speech given at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in 1985 (three years later). https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/6566336
You can go to the Youtube page for the video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=si9iqF5uTFk ( or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW7ZHpKuqZg for part 2)
click on the "...more" link in the video description,
then click on the "Show Transcript" button further down that appears and you will see a transcript in the upper right of your screen which you can scroll through and read.
Yep, the archives are there, its just a matter of going through the processes and finding them. The archives are HUGE though, so don't expect things to happen quickly.
> "Now back in the early days of this country, when they moved heavy objects around, they didn't have any Caterpillar tractors, they didn't have any big cranes. They used oxen. And when they got a great big log on the ground, and one ox couldn't budge the darn thing, they did not try to grow a bigger ox. They used two oxen! And I think they're trying to tell us something. When we need greater computer power, the answer is not "get a bigger computer", it's "get another computer". Which of course, is what common sense would have told us to begin with."