This only makes sense if emergencies are strictly defined. For instance "don't come to the office there's a bear inside" is an emergency. "the crud app you support fell over" is not an emergency. If the latter is an emergency to the company they should staff for 24/7 support, not rely on exploiting people during their off hours to provide free support.
In Finland companies pay for on-call support time. That is you get extra pay to be available in 15 minutes or whatever timeframe agreed. And really that sort of commitment should not be free.
I used to have such an arrangement, but that was far more stressful.
I’m far happier with the “call me and If I’m able to I’ll answer” approach. I’ve had 2 call outs in 4 years, at a 4 hour cost a piece, both sorted with in 20 minutes.
By charging that 4 hour fee it means the person making the call has to justify it.
If I’m in an offical “on call” situation that limits me - can’t go to cinema, can’t go underground or on a plane, can’t got to the country, because I have a contractual agreement to be on call. Forget that.
This seems like a bit of an over-reaction. I do rostered 24/7 on-call 1 week a month. I get compensated for both being on-call, and if I get called.
To run 3 shifts would mean splitting our already smallish team into 3 cells that never worked at the same time. It would actually be cheaper for the org, assuming they could convince the current staff to do it. But it would be a terrible for the team, and for the individuals on the late shift (shift work is notoriously unhealthy).
I believe it’s changed now as they don’t like 7x12 hour night shifts in a row. Personally I preferred to deal with the “jet lag” once every 6 weeks and be done with it.
Those shifts tended to be fairly quiet with about 4-5 hours of breaks (unless something went really wrong)
You can staff a 24/7 shift with 5 people, but you really need 6 once you factor in holiday, illness, training etc.
Sounds like a great deal for the lucky 1/3 of developers who get assigned the day shift, but isn't it pretty rough for the majority? I'd much rather keep a normal schedule and get woken up every once in a while than work 5pm-1am or 1am-9am.
Even then, feels like.its easier and better for everyone if if instead of everyone needing multi-continental teams, you have one team, and if they get woken up and stupid o'clock to fix something, they get extra holiday or pay or something.
I know I like it like that. And I get that not everyone does! But IME, the out-of-hours rota is usually voluntary, so you can choose.
> I'd much rather keep a normal schedule and get woken up every once in a while than work 5pm-1am or 1am-9am.
It would be in the contract you'd sign when you accept the job. It's not like your current workplace will suddenly change the policy and force you to work at night. The world is already full of places with night shift jobs, and you are not currently working at one of those places.
Why isn't it like that? If my company decided to follow a new rule that nobody can be oncall after hours, wouldn't they have to force at least 2 engineers from each oncall rotation into the new shifts? Even if I escape being one of those 2, shouldn't I expect to have 66% fewer day shift opportunities in the future?
Once again the lack of worker rights come into play here. Companies should never be able to change an employee's working hours like that. I'm guessing in the US they can, because they have almost no worker's rights. Where I live this would be illegal.
As for new opportunities, well, maybe? The theory would say these weird hour shifts would cost more and companies would have to think harder about their operations and decide if the extra cost really makes sense. Employees would also ask for more money to work under these hours.
I believe it would simply remove the inherent expectation that every tech product is guaranteed to be online 24/7 without any extra cost to the companies, only to the employees lives. That's a great outcome in my view.
Sure, but this is one of the things people are talking about when they worry a regulation might make companies less competitive. Online 24/7 is table stakes for any company that aspires to have a global presence - nobody in Europe or the US would buy Atlassian products if they were only guaranteed to be available during business hours in Sydney. If Australia successfully shifted the culture on this, Australian software would struggle heavily to find success on the global markets.
That’s right, we should continue to exploit workers instead because of vague contract terms that they “must work extra hours when required”.
Workers should remember that the business is more important than their non contracted time.
the document starts with framing it applies to "non small business", so an early start up can still function with a small team of motivated volunteers outside hours, but beyond a certain size i agree with the sibling comments: if a late startup still relies on that to survive/grow, then its business model isn't working.