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She said she was buying it for her Iranian friend - that's enough to reasonably suspect.

ps. The state dept doesn't do reasonable - check the small print you need to agree to before downloading something as potentially lethal as a Dell mouse driver.

  She said she was buying it for her Iranian friend - that's 
  enough to reasonably suspect.
No, that's reason to inform them that they are not allowed to do that. Tell them they would be breaking the law if they did that and could go to jail. If they insist on buying the item, it is out of your hands. If they still explicitly acknowledge they are intent on breaking the law, you may be required to inform the feds, but that's it.

I would reasonably suspect that the person might need a phone while they are studying here. Your view of the law seems to be that it is something dictated over you, rather than something we all make up, mostly in court.

My view of the law is:

p(get caught) * p(jury will believe excuse) * f(society thinks offense is serious) * f(punishment)


1: I though I could park here

2: She looked 18

3: Whats so bad about exporting restricted technology to Iran?


* Get caught = a

* jury will believe excuse = b

* society thinks offense is serious = c

* punishment = d

Therefore provide formuala for p(a), p(b), p(c) and p(d).

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