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You can get always get starlink if the fiber/cable is bad.

Sure, if you don't mind regular drops while you're handed off between satellites, and many areas being oversubscribed so badly that people are getting performance worse than DSL.

My brother had it for a while in fairly rural Maine. Eventually got fiber but the Starlink was pretty good if not 100%. I used Starlink on an Atlantic crossing a few months back and it was pretty solid. It's not perfect--or probably as good as my Comcast is these days--but it's pretty good in my experience. But then I'm old enough to remember both pre-broadband and really unreliable broadband.

I only know one person with Starlink, but they seem happy with it. With the previous local provider they paid for 30Mbps, but were getting 15. With Starlink it’s around 230Mbps.

While that’s slower than my cable service in the city, for him, it’s a significant improvement and a big quality of life upgrade.

Stop living in the past. All that is fixed.

No one's getting worse than DSL performance in the US especially not with regards to speeds

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