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It wasn't even incorrect: her own words were "I'm from Iran." It's obvious that the Apple employee made the perfectly reasonable interpretation that this described her citizenship.

What's untrue about that statement? She is from Iran! Now she is a U.S. citizen.

Nothing is untrue about it. Obviously, there was a miscommunication, and the woman decided to go scream "Racism!" to the presses instead of clearing it up.

Edit: Oh, I see, you thought I was asserting that she was of Iranian citizenship. I understood the parent of my original post to be referring to her being of Iranian race, because she appears to be trying to make it out as a race issue, when in truth it is a citizenship issue.

Yeah, sorry if there was any confusion. I don't think this was about racism, just an incredibly awkward situation brought about by a stupid law.

> "Discrimination. Racially profiled. He didn't have any business asking me what country I was from," Sabet said.

Sounds like she's trying to make it about racism to me. The only other interpretation I can come up with is that she's complaining about people of Iranian race speaking Iranian language being "racially profiled" to be Iranians, which is pretty absurd as complaints go.

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