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Congrats to Codecademy. I hope they spend it wisely on fulfilling their promise that "Codecademy is the easiest way to learn how to code."

I'm a bit worried about what might happen to all these young potential coders if the marketing doesn't deliver as promised.

Meanwhile, I'd like to propose a much humbler effort which is not intended to compete by any means with codecademy:

We run a little anti-school from our Brooklyn loft. We call it Kitchen Table Coders [1] because we only allow as many people who can fit around our kitchen table. Every weekend we pick a topic that we're excited about and carve out some time to teach it to others.

(btw - we're not a startup nor do we wish to be. If you'd like to start a Kitchen-Table-Coders session in your town, please do. We'll help you get started.)

[1] http://kitchentablecoders.com

hi, apitaru - i'm the cofounder of codecademy. we're incredibly focused on living up to that promise and we will never stop improving course quality and worrying about outcomes for our students.

That's great to hear. Overal I love the concept but worry about your marketing. The Bloomberg stunt was clever and fun, but placing the words 'code' and 'easy' side-by-side can lead to frustration on the back-end of your proposition. Coding is hard. Hard-Fun [1]. And that's OK.

[1] http://www.papert.org/articles/HardFun.html

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