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People seem confused as to what this is. MightyText lets you text from your computer as if you are texting from your phone.

I've been using this for around 2 months now. It is VERY buggy. Sometimes you'll experience delays in receiving and sometimes you don't even know if your text was sent out. You have to kind of get used to its 'quirks'.

Having said that, it has gotten a lot better and I expect it to continue. Anyone who texts a lot during the day should love setting up MightyText.

I tried it and agree it's very buggy. If they can't get rid of the obvious bugs, how am I supposed to trust that my data is not exposed by much more subtle ones? I've un-registered and deleted my data.

How'd you delete your data?

I'm trying to remove my account too..

I revoked address book access, deleted the conversations individually (I couldn't find a feature to delete them all), revoked access from Google Accounts, and removed the app from my phone.

Am I the only one seeing this app as a white-hate trojan horse on mobile?

By installing the app, you enable MightyText to take your SMS and send SMS in your name. You have to trust them.

This smells like danger to me.

Yes... it is confusing. I had to read the article and the Play page to make sense of it.

My current interpretation is:

"This app lets your phone forward texts to your computer, tablet, or any other device. It also works in reverse so you can text people from any device. The texts are synced on all devices."

google voice integration for sprint does this, I don't see how this is better.

Not everyone has Sprint, and Voice doesn't integrate MMS.

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