> If you define "nitpick" as "something that's not worth fixing" then by definition nitpicks are worthless.
> I've heard the term nitpick usually used to mean "small comment", "my preference", or "very minor".
Those are all things that are not worth fixing/changing and so that is just a different way of restating it. I.E. "small comments", "my preference", "very minor" things are all worthless in a PR. They might be interesting when hanging out and chatting, but for a productive workflow they are just noise.
Same with preferences... if you are just relying a preference, not worth it. If you are teaching a better idiom or similar, then it might be. This is not hard and fast, just that in general most "nitpick" types of PR comments are a net loss.
Those are all things that are not worth fixing/changing and so that is just a different way of restating it. I.E. "small comments", "my preference", "very minor" things are all worthless in a PR. They might be interesting when hanging out and chatting, but for a productive workflow they are just noise.
Same with preferences... if you are just relying a preference, not worth it. If you are teaching a better idiom or similar, then it might be. This is not hard and fast, just that in general most "nitpick" types of PR comments are a net loss.