For me there’s only one thing that matters - you’re all working together to put good code into the system.
If you work in an environment where people lord code review over you in any way then you’re on a hiding to nowhere. That applies equally if you expect reviewers to not, you know, review your code.
I see this discussion of “nitpicks” constantly. If it’s a tiny thing that brings the code in line with the existing codebase then just do it rather than fighting it. If there’s some ambiguity then find a rule as a team and apply it.
I have no idea how people work in environments where you’re not all working together.
If you work in an environment where people lord code review over you in any way then you’re on a hiding to nowhere. That applies equally if you expect reviewers to not, you know, review your code.
I see this discussion of “nitpicks” constantly. If it’s a tiny thing that brings the code in line with the existing codebase then just do it rather than fighting it. If there’s some ambiguity then find a rule as a team and apply it.
I have no idea how people work in environments where you’re not all working together.