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This filled me with longing and borrowed nostalgia. I grew up on the West coast but read vast amounts of children’s literature about Long Island childhoods like Josh describes. (I’m a Boomer and eventually realized that such books were ubiquitous because all the big publishers were in Manhattan. The editors just hired their friends, who often lived in the suburbs because they had kids. They could get a few acres for the price of a Brooklyn brownstone. They usually wrote for magazines or ad agencies, a pretty decent living.) These cheerful little books were junk. That’s what I needed. They kept me sane when not taking care of my alcoholic parents or being beaten. It is because of those books that I dreamed of owning a farm, finally acquiring one 50 years after I first dreamed of it, and sadly after most of our children were adults. Despite being in Seattle it has a bit of East Coast vibe.

Josh seems to have a wonderful relationship with reasonably well-adjusted parents. Elsewhere in his blog he describes building not one but two models of his father’s law office, where Josh spent countless hours as a child. What a beautiful thing to be as accomplished as the people in Josh’s family and to be so nostalgic. Gave me shivers!

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