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The creatives pushing nail art to sculptural new lengths (cnn.com)
20 points by mooreds 26 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 28 comments

This really feels like the powdered wigs and huge complicated dresses before the French Revolution changed all that.

Worse than that. I mean, let people do what they want to themselves, and function has always been sacrificed for fashion, but this kind of thing is a step on the road to foot binding.

Nails are reversible in under an hour. Foot binding causes crippling disfigurement.

They aren’t remotely comparable.

It’s art. Same as all other high fashion. No one is wearing these nails on the subway.

Virtually no one, perhaps. One of the gym teachers in my high school used to wear 2"ers while teaching. Many laughs when she messed up and sent them flying during basketball or volleyball.

You're gonna break that necklace if you clutch your pearls any harder.

I might break my nails if I do that!

Oh, fingernails! I thought from the title this was about nails in wood (and perhaps threads wrapped around those nails)

Disappointment. I thought it was going to be about art with the kind of nails that you hammer.

Ob on-topic: I'm a truck driver, and have to check in with the gate guard to gain entry at pickups and deliveries.

While I was going through the drill with a gate guard, I noticed that her nails were safety yellow and exactly matched her safety yellow vest.

Coolest thing I saw all week.

Same here. I was thinking expecting the nails you fasten things with. Fingernail art doesn't interest me much, but now it's got me thinking about what kind of cool art you could make with hammer and nails.

maybe I can offset your disappointment by sharing a very cool nail exhibit I saw a few years back :) https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2018/01/writhing-sculptures-j...

Those are quite nice, and so much more fluid than I would have imagined.

I appreciate that you can make your nails fancy on a budget (e.g. using nail stamping).

I enjoy having trimmed nails as well, because having very long nails can make certain tasks difficult, so all these designs make me cringe a bit.

But... if you ever feel curious, explore DIY nails!

Those things are only useful for those who don't need to use their hands.

Can you use a put your favorite tool here at all? No, you cannot.

You cannot even shake hands, tie your shoes or even hug your beloved partner.

Not every hour of your life needs to be utilitarian. They're using their nails as another form of creative expression. The article is light but lots of interesting nails here that I haven't seen or thought about.

That's right. So make sure you first tie your shoes and get your medicines before having that nail art up. And don't forget to bring your chauffeur with you to open and drive your car back home.

And make sure you don't eat any sweets because they are bad for you. Also, watching TV and commenting on Hacker News is not productive and therefore a waste of your time.

The point is the form, not the function. Surely you've seen couture dresses that were equally cumbersome.

I bought a few items at a drugstore yesterday, and noticed the cashier had very elaborate nails.

She used the second knuckles on her inverted hands (i.e. palm facing up) to operate the touchscreen PoS system, and was very efficient. Tool usage can sometimes be adapted.

> Those things are only useful for those who don't need to use their hands.

Or guitar players ;)

(the "hide" button is next to the "flag" button)

My second thought was "Wow!" My first was "I hope everyone with these nails has a bidet!" I mean, how do you...

I like the natural color of nails way more, so I struggle to get it...

Where's the follow up about how to print these at home

Any other men here who just prefer natural looking nails?

I don't think they do it for us. I think the women (and men) who like long nails do it for themselves, at least at this point.

Do you think a lot of women put on these fancy nails, stay at home, and then take them off, all while not posting any pics to IG?

I don't think women are doing it to attract men, but it certainly seems like there is a social display function here. Maybe the "doing it for themselves" is true, but it's more like "I feel good when other people see me as stylish and cool" kind of doing it for yourself.

I also got that response once, but I still doubt it is 100% true.

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