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Am I the only one that has no trouble buying toothpaste when I have to squeeze the tube extra hard?

Many years ago I learned from some Japanese TV show that you can use centrifugal force to get the very last bit of toothpaste out of the tube even if you can’t squeeze out any more. Something similar to this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u-4MKefJqbc

By that point, I think it's easier just to cut the tube open.

I only buy new toothpaste after the squeeze returns nul.

Not at all. A tube of toothpaste lasts me a long time, and pre-covid I would usually only own one tube a a time.

Post covid I like to keep at least a month stash of anything cheap and durable as toothpaste.

> Post covid I like to keep at least a month stash of anything cheap and durable as toothpaste.

We are a family of 3, and teeth are brushed at least twice a day. 5 tubes of toothpaste would last 6 month. That’s a lot of toothpaste.

I treat the hard to access part as an emergency supply for when I forget to buy more in time. So normally I will throw it in the trash.

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