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(Author of the post.)

I think so, in the sense that Rust has successfully translated ADTs and other PLT-laden concepts from SML/Haskell into syntax that a large base of engineers finds intuitive. Whether or not that’s hype is a value judgement, but that is the reason I picked it for the example snippet: I figured more people would “get” it with less explanation required :-)

Apologies for my meta-meta-comment :) I've been writing code for ~30 years in various languages, and today my brain can't compute how people find any syntax other than this more intuitive:

  data Thing
    = ThingA Int
    | ThingB String Bool
    | ThingC
To me, the above syntax takes away all the noise and just states what needs to be stated.

Got it. It makes sense and was what I figured is the case. I find it interesting as it's a sign of the times watching the evolution of what the "base language" is in threads like this over time. I mentioned in another comment that several years ago it'd have been Haskell or Scala. If one went back further (before my time!) it'd probably have been in OCaml or something.

In my experience learning a bit of OCaml after Rust, and then looking at Haskell, the three aren't all that different in terms of the basics of how ADTs are declared and used, especially for the simpler cases.

Agreed. As a concept they're all the same thing.

Another way of phrasing my query is that given these are all basically ML-style constructs, why would the examples not be ML? And I was assuming the answer to that is "the sorts of people reading these blogs in 2024 are more familiar with Rust"

I think a second reason might be that translating OCaml/Haskell concepts to Python has that academic connotation to it. Rust also (thanks to PyO3) has more affinity to Python than the ML languages. I guess it isn't a surprise that this post has Python, C++, and Rust, all "commonly" used for Python libraries.

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