I'm aware, notice my comment specifically states "the Earth's *surface* " not just "the Earth". However, my kitchen counter is a flat surface, it's common knowledge the Earth isn't flat and the average ocean depth is 3,682 meters
The earth is smoother than a billiard ball when accounting for relative size. Highly likely the earth is actually flatter than your countertop when accounting for size.
That was my point. The Earth isn't flat, but its surface is very smooth.
You give the average ocean depth at 3.7km, but the Earth's diameter is about 12,742km, making those bumps pretty insignificant. If you cover your countertop in sandpaper and spill water on it, the difference in coverage going to be almost negligible.
Yea, just to be clear, I'm not disputing the image at all, my original comment is only an observation on the stark contrast when you juxtapose those two representations