Docopt looks like a useful library, but I'd be interested to see how intelligent the "help" parsing is when faced with slight variations in the format.
Using Commons-CLI in Java actually goes the opposite direction and if can be reasonably terse (one line per parameter or option) but it's also got to be wrapped in a class and have the rest of the Java boilerplate (a main method to execute, etc).
When the DSL ( was designed, the main goal was just to formalise that pattern-language used for decades in man pages and `--help` screens. So variations that are conventional (such as `UPPER-CASE` for arguments or `<angular-brackets>` for arguments) are supported.
Using Commons-CLI in Java actually goes the opposite direction and if can be reasonably terse (one line per parameter or option) but it's also got to be wrapped in a class and have the rest of the Java boilerplate (a main method to execute, etc).
Perhaps I'll try it on my next NodeJS project.