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Bought it due to your recommendation. Will start after I finished The Will to Battle by Ada Palmer

Is it just me or are these books just astonishingly good? Like… sometimes k come across media at juuust the right time and (emotional) place and they’re amazing but on review merely good.

I’m immediately re-reading them and they’re just as good - if not better - the second time.

Quickly became my favorite books of all time, which you’ll have to trust me is saying something.

They really are in a class of their own. So smart, eloquent and original. And I have to admit that I don't even get 100% of all references.

The first two also really read like an anime, including a cotton candy sweet beginning.


It's the best kind of science fiction, "society fiction" in SciFi clothes that tries to stay in the realm of plausibility and logic.

They are terribly underrated.

Which books do you mean?

Ada Palmer's Terra Ignota; Will to Battle is book 3 (of four, all released)

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