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If I'm fiddling with the terminal or the font, I know it's because I'm procrastinating. I've trained myself to quickly recognize such side-quests and feel a quick punch of hormonal urgency, which helps me get back to work (with mintty and Consolas). You don't need the bells and whistles.

That's correct if it's always or very often your M.O., but if you rarely mess with it? How about if you spend some time fixing any annoyances that have accrued over time thanks to "involuntary unpaid vacation time"?

For example, I recently reduced my terminal startup time to 1/3 what it was by putting in some optimizations. I'll be able to benefit from that for basically forever.

... Ah, you develop on Windows? This tracks, then... All productivity, no aesthetics >..<

As an aside, I'm surprised how Apple fans think they're the one with the aesthetics advantage when their Lord and Master allowed them to change the color of their menu bar in...2023? :)

That's why I'm a NixOS guy now. Mostly. ;)

The main thing holding me back is the Apple ecosystem integration with my other iOS devices.

That's hardcore. I admire people who work on Linux (I just use WSL 2 Ubuntu on Windows). Apparently, NixOS has it's fans! See:


yeah man, I remember reading stuff like that before I was sold on it and eventually it got to me (probably after another borked Arch install) and I was like "fuck it, I am diving into this mess come hell or high water" and...

... Yep. It's exactly as s/he said it. Once you grok it, you literally want it on EVERY COMPUTER YOU OWN.

IMHO it still needs to get more user-friendly, or at least have another layer that is more user-friendly, as well as have ramp-up materials that are consolidated and good, before it will be more widely adopted

This, unironically, is entirely correct. Some people spend way too much time configuring stuff that doesn't matter.

"If you've never spent hours ricing your OS, you have no heart. If you still do, you have no brain."

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