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I looked at half of them and found nothing about how much stuff people see on social media is this. One apparently had its content seen by 140 million Americans. So what does that mean from the point of view of an individual? Is it most of what they saw? 10%? 1%? 0.0? I have no idea and neither do you.

It's a popular misinformation technique of news companies to do this - planting a false idea in the heads of their enthusiastic audience using truthful information presented in a blustery way that leads people to believe something it doesn't actually say.

So you agree it's not a "conspiracy theory", then? And your response to troll farms serving impressions to half the country is to argue that I don't know exactly what percentage of social media content is generated by troll farms? You are being obstinate.

"serving impressions to half the country" you're still confused about the meaning of the information. Average people probably see hundreds or thousands of social media posts in a month so if only one of them is from the troll farm, that's essentially none.

You said it's often a troll farm or LLMs controlled by an intelligence agency. I don't see any evidence for that. Unless you take the pedantic meaning of "often" to be "not never but possibly hardly ever".

I'm not denying that it happens, but that it's as significant as you presented it to be.

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