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>It's not like they have denied they were at fault. So I'm really not sure what you're actually wanting.

Paying for their mistake. In money. Admitting for their mistake is one thing, paying for it is another.

If your doctor made a mistake due to his negligence that costs you, wouldn't you want compensation instead of just a hollow apology?

Want vs receive are two entirely different things. If someone did something against me in malice, damn straight I want ________. If someone makes a mistake, owns up to it, changes in ways to not make same mistake again, then that's exactly the opportunity I'd hope someone would allow for me to have if the roles were reversed. This particular company's mistake just happened to be so widespread due to their popularity makes it seemingly egregious, but there are other outages that have occurred that lasted longer and did not draw this much attention. Was it an inconvenience, yes. Was it a silly mistake in hindsight, yes. Was it fixable, yes. Was it malevolent, nope. Should you lose your job for making this mistake?

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