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They hit way sooner than you think. The current best in class battery cells are a hybrid of these breakthroughs. Companies just don't advertise what's going into the special sauce for obvious reasons.

If you look at a chart if battery capacity density, it's been pretty much exponentially growing.

Do you have such a chart handy? The last one I checked showed a linear 10% / year increase, something like that...

There is a chart here: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Advances-in-energy-densi... I am a bit confused by the units but it seems to be growing, tho the data cuts off at 2005.

Another chart is here: https://physicsworld.com/a/lithium-ion-batteries-break-energ..., still does not seem exponential, looks kind of of linear to me.

the first one shows linear progression, not even 10%, except the prototypes at the end.

Second one shows a linear progression too it seems, I agree.

A 10% increase per year is exponential.

yes, ok, but it’s far from e. Let’s say “exponential” is a shitty term, it can mean very different things.

But 10%/y is still a doubling within 8 years, so maybe not so bad – if my memory is correct.

[edit] see other comment, it is indeed very much linear, not exponential at all.

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