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Voice is a garden: Margaret Watts Hughes's Victorian sound visualizations (themarginalian.org)
76 points by benbreen 32 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Somewhat related: resonance figures formed by a vibrating plate, https://americanhistory.si.edu/science/chladni.htm

That site is dated. Even the video won't play because it uses flash

If it used Flash, Ruffle would've picked them up (great addon if you haven't heard of it already: https://ruffle.rs/)

Looks like this site uses Windows Media Player embeds to play WMV files. I don't know of any big addon that makes those types of embeds work, if the server for the embedded protocol is still even alive.

Thankfully, the videos have been mirrored to Youtube.

In fairness they do have a YouTube link below the video itself so that there exists another way to watch it.

Cymatics is my spirit frequency!

While I know a fair-enough-surface-level stuff about Cymatics, I really seek the day where I can focus on it more in depth.

What I really love about Cymatic patterns that represent certain frequencies is that they have been seen throughout history in architectural reliefs and carvings.

such as the famous rosslyn chapel:



In a famous, meta-physical series of Tomes "Life and teaching of the masters of the far east" - there is a great part about the team of Baird T Spalding addressing a cliffside with a group of monks of some sort. There is a large flat stone that the group assembles on, then the monks form a half circle around the stone, and facing the cliffside, they chant and have some sort of horns which they blow a certain tonal frequency that bounces from the cliff face into the stone they are on, and the frequency resonates to levitate the stone up the cliff to hte temple they are seeking.(read it in 1992, so deep pull from memory)


There are the biblical versions on Trumpet and Walls falling - and other sound-based stories of yore.

We doing sonic surgery etc...

And as Tesla famously says 3/69/ - if you want to understand the universe, understand frequency.


Movement and Measure

Time expressed through frequency

All is vibration

I’ve never been able to source that Tesla quote.

I wanted to use it for a cymatics museum exhibit. Since I’m a stickler for sourcing quotes, I kept looking for something really sweet…

I found an Orphic hymn to Apollo from the 500BC or so, that had been translated by the great Renaissance scholar Marsilio Ficino (the guy who the Medicis hired to translate Greek classics into Latin).

One line stood out: “Tu sphaeram totam, cithara resonante, contemperas” or “The resonance of your guitar attunes the whole world”

Well, what struck me was that Ion of Chios (b 490 BC) wrote that Pythagoras himself had authored a number of Orphic hymns. So, while somewhat speculative, I used: “Your resonance attunes the whole world” and just attributed it to Pythagoras. A bit cheeky, but I had sources!

The cymatic exhibit was funded from a quantum computing grant, as we used the Chladni plates and Faraday waves to illustrate eigenmodes — drawing parallels to the interference patterns seen in the quantum electron clouds of hydrogen atoms.

Well, it resonated with the audience, in any case!

In another thread I posted the following -- on the same wavelength:

(The following is more stream of thought, and poorly organized, but I think you vibe it)


This is interesting, further, as the maths behind the Ghiri Tiles of Muslim Mosques reveals a deeper understanding of the representation of 4D concepts into 2/3D tiling patterns.


There are a lot of really interesting information on tiling:

"Decagonal and Quasi-Crystalline Tilings in Medieval Islamic Architecture"


I cant quite recall the place I first read about the mathematical theories hidden in the patterns of the Tiling, but its stunning.



My point is that there is thousands of years of evidence tying the higher aspects of maths, thought, existence with psychedelics -- and lots regarding the use in Silicon Valley's history - whereby one of the first employees of Cisco Systems attributed LSD to the development of a lot of routing protocol concepts - including BGP.

He was against drug testing at cisco for this reason.

It will be lovely once we can tune an LLM to being able to discern the symbolism that represents higher order math concepts from the patterns, architecture and designs of ancients.

And soon we will be more widely accepting of how it all reverberates into the primary components that make us.

Highly recommend the Science of Sarah Walker - who was JRE and was talking about "assembly theory" and how we are a chemistry emergent intelligence, and while AI is a silicon emergent intelligence, we cant say that its not Life.


(Seemingly all disconnected above -- but truly it all is)

Its been a lovely few weeks for knowledge...



Also, the Hunab Ku (in Mayanism, but also as a cymatic shape... I would like to catalog the patterns found in Cymatics against symbols and carvings, as mentioned.... I actually went to Mexico and toured with Hunbatz Men for a bit in 2001. and there are amazing things about the Chichen Itza Pyramid that I learned from him.

Ill see if I can find anything about that Tesla quote.. thats unfortunate. There are some cool pseudo-documentaries on Tesla 3/6/9 - do you have any opinion on those?


I was taught that when youre interpreting symbols, but also when translating such texts, they are not expressed in words - but in feeling

So when concepts from more Spiritually connected previous civilizations, the words are a mere shadow of the full vibratory frequency that is represented.

For example, the Mayan Calendar, is taught as the Symbol of projecting your DNA through space.... the tongue out is the projection of the inner to the outer.

"and god said in a sound voice* -- its about projecting vibration, frequency - not flat words....

You may like some of these Mayan Order Lessons (If you've ever read anything by Weed (Rosicrucians) or other Masonic writings... this is of the same sort of mysticism, The Mayan Order has a lot of their initiation rituals based on sound, tones...

(This post is kind of all over the place - as I havent syncopated all my thoughts/comments on it yet...

But here - take a look at these:



https://i.imgur.com/EpH4kaG.jpeg <-- The Mayan Order was in San Antonio tx.. (The Rosicruicians HQ is in San Jose California, and one of their authors, WEED wrote a lot of interesting things about frequency)

If you check out anything by Joscelyn Godwin, you will find TONS of great primary source material. He is really rigorous and goes into it. Like “Music, Mysticism and Magic: a sourcebook” — but all of his books, really, are filled to the brim with the traditions of mystical sounds.

And the Embassy of the Freemind in Amsterdam is a great contemporary place for these ideas.

> Joscelyn Godwin

>Professor of Music at Colgate University and a widely respected musicologist, Godwin traces the history of the idea, held since ancient times, that the whole cosmos, with its circling planets and stars, is in some way a musical or harmonious entity. The author shows how this concept has continued to inspire philosophers, astronomers, and mystics from antiquity to the present day.




Wow - thank you for bringing this to me.

When I was 17 I astral projected and went to space and heard the Music of the Spheres.

This woman was amazing! One I would dearly love to travel back in time to meet.

Of course I would have to be careful and prepare so as to appear plausible and relatable.

There is a beauty in the mind just as there is the body, nature. She was of a notable beauty, uncommon of spirit, adventurous of mind.

Travel well Margaret. Your journey will have been well earned.

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