I see that you're getting hammered in this thread, so I want to say a few things:
1. Great job on shipping! Whether or not the people in this thread find this tool useful, I want to congratulate you on putting together something you're ready to share with the world.
2. I'd love to hear the story of what prompted you to create this tool. Was it an issue you had? Did you set out to make something easier?
3. Not everything has to be useful to everybody. It's OK if this is something you find useful and no one else does.
That was very well put. I noticed an increasing negativity in Show HN posts lately. The usual inquisitive and supportive comments are being replaced with straight up negative and dismissive ones (or maybe it was always like this and people being nice is just a fabricated memory of mine)
The first is an increased fatigue caused by some poor quality posts OR posts presenting the same thing again and again just by opportunism (e.g. boilerplates where people just share their thing as an Ad). Therefore, the trust has decreased and people start asking themselves "what's hidden behind".
Another reason might be related to the surge of cyberattacks of all kinds. Lots of comments here are not super nice, but they are polite and ask good and legitimate questions, especially regarding cybersecurity.
As long as people are polite, argumented criticism should be appreciated.
Not a fabricated memory, I've noticed the same trend. And I thought, maybe it's because being controversial is the norm lately. I hoped HN would be immune to it though.
1. Great job on shipping! Whether or not the people in this thread find this tool useful, I want to congratulate you on putting together something you're ready to share with the world.
2. I'd love to hear the story of what prompted you to create this tool. Was it an issue you had? Did you set out to make something easier?
3. Not everything has to be useful to everybody. It's OK if this is something you find useful and no one else does.