You're right. Accepting credit card payments over the internet is usually done handled by black-box third party payment processors.
Bank payments, like ACH, SWIFT, and others are usually built in-house by companies that move money at scale, like payroll providers, insurance companies, and other old school institutions.
As companies that do heavy financial management refresh their architecture and move to modern web servers and the like, they'll likely need to rebuild it from scratch. This is what iso20022.js plays a small part in - if they're building on Node this is a convenient library for them to use.
> As companies that do heavy financial management refresh their architecture and move to modern web servers and the like, they'll likely need to rebuild it from scratch. This is what iso20022.js plays a small part in - if they're building on Node this is a convenient library for them to use.
Are companies do heavy financial management refreshing their architecture in node, javascript and typescript? And do they then rely on a library with one sole contributor?
Sorry if this sounds dismissive. I am actually afraid by the answer, because, having worked in fintech, I wouldn't be surprised if the answer is "yes, certainly some".
Okay, gotcha. That makes sense! I was getting stuck on where I should send the end result, but I'm guessing if I were doing financial work, I would already have an endpoint from my partner financial institution that would expect this kind of data.
You're right. Accepting credit card payments over the internet is usually done handled by black-box third party payment processors.
Bank payments, like ACH, SWIFT, and others are usually built in-house by companies that move money at scale, like payroll providers, insurance companies, and other old school institutions.
As companies that do heavy financial management refresh their architecture and move to modern web servers and the like, they'll likely need to rebuild it from scratch. This is what iso20022.js plays a small part in - if they're building on Node this is a convenient library for them to use.