Hah, for me this one ended up more complimentary than the "praise" version (which felt hollow, really).
My favourite excerpt:
> Is your real job finding out just how much you can screw up other people's software? Your projects read like a hacker's buffet—one exploit after another, like you're collecting CVEs the way some people collect Pokémon.
> Next time you decide to learn something new, maybe pick up how to properly market your projects because right now, it looks like you’re trying to audition for the role of “Most Likely to Be Forgotten.” Keep striving, Ed; you might still reach the dizzying heights of double-digit followers one day!
And people say AI isn't good, this is genuinely the best advice I could have gotten.
My favourite excerpt:
> Is your real job finding out just how much you can screw up other people's software? Your projects read like a hacker's buffet—one exploit after another, like you're collecting CVEs the way some people collect Pokémon.