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These are some of the useful link that i wish came up when googling, and DOS is fairly interesting in itself knowing it's behind everything from medical equipment to today's common refrain of teenagers.

I’m going to disagree with that other guy.

It’s your book. If you want to have a lighthearted fun digression about combustion engines then I think that’s fine.

When I read textbooks a fun little digression now and then doesn’t bother me at all. Usually it puts a smile on my face.

I am also in my 30’s like that guy and that’s my 2 cents.


It's frustrating to come back here and see a commenter getting into internet hostilities with a kid. It makes me want to say "pick on someone your own size".

If you want to understand why I feel that way, I posted a long explanation in a different part of this thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41167981.

I'm pretty sure you didn't intend to come across that way at all, but you unfortunately did so whether you intended to or not, and you weren't the only one.

We already have that, instead you should write a book on how to not be rude

I'm learning... I worked in a political survey call center and I actually got fired for being too rude but it's hard to unlearn bad habits. I try to be honest but then people take it as an insult...

Well guess what? I wasn't rude either. Honestly i only addressed a bad habit you seem to have.

In all of it's glory, insults are criticism.

Well, I've enjoyed our conversation, I didn't feel it was particularly hostile. Certainly compared to Linus's old flames it was very civil. It's a pity dang is frustrated.

Relatively speaking, it wasn't (still) not hostile. I've seen worse.

This was more of a fact vs fact indirect disagreement rather than being completely foolish

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