> today’s world isn’t especially welcoming, but retreating from it is an ultimately selfish choice
A thousand times this.
The crowd here are not going to like hearing the things highlighted in this article, but hive-mind-consensus doesn't make something any less true.
Wondering how people have the audacity to try to talk to you in public when you _clearly have your headphones on!_ (just one of the things I've heard here) is not okay. Not for society, and not for you as an individual.
Just because society normalises this attitude, it doesn't make it right. We've also normalised buying things that last a couple of years, and not owning media we pay for. The frog boils slowly.
> Just because society normalises this attitude, it doesn't make it right.
Fully agreed—society normalizing something doesn't make it right.
By TFA's numbers, 1/3 of UK adults were happier during the pandemic than before. That's a lot of people who were unhappy with the extrovert-centric norms that were dominant pre-pandemic. Those people went along with it because they hadn't ever realized there was something better. Now they have realized it and they're not giving up their effort to change the norms to better accommodate them. As you say, society normalizing something doesn't make it right, and when we're faced with an unjust society it's time to change it.
Your comment makes it sound like the introverts are suddenly in charge and dictating what is normal. That's not the case at all. The 1/3 just finally found a voice to express our opinions at all, and the 2/3 who used to run the world unopposed are unhappy about that.
>Wondering how people have the audacity to try to talk to you in public when you _clearly have your headphones on!_ (just one of the things I've heard here) is not okay. Not for society, and not for you as an individual.
So you're saying it's okay for people to walk in when you're going to the bathroom and bother you? Or that it's okay for people to wake you up when they want to talk to you?
>but hive-mind-consensus doesn't make something any less true.
Correct. Likewise, being a contrarian does not make an untruth any more true. If someone has headphones on, it's a clear signal they don't want to talk to you. What is the problem with respecting that person?
Perhaps yes, but perhaps a social indicator that I am doing something and have requested not being bothered, should be enough to discourage the people who just can't wait to ask you questions and converse with you.
In that, extroverts are like little children: pay attention to me, pay attention to me, I have something so important to tell you that can't wait, and I don't care what you are doing at the moment, attention needs to be on ME. NOW
I'd say, let's normalize scolding people who ignore obvious social cues and bother you uninvited. How about that?
A thousand times this.
The crowd here are not going to like hearing the things highlighted in this article, but hive-mind-consensus doesn't make something any less true.
Wondering how people have the audacity to try to talk to you in public when you _clearly have your headphones on!_ (just one of the things I've heard here) is not okay. Not for society, and not for you as an individual.
Just because society normalises this attitude, it doesn't make it right. We've also normalised buying things that last a couple of years, and not owning media we pay for. The frog boils slowly.