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FreeBSD Desktop Series (vermaden.wordpress.com)
14 points by udev4096 38 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Thanks to the author for making the effort! I don't use FreeBSD on my desktop myself, but I think it's important to have options.

Thanks, feel free to reach me out directly for any FreeBSD help.



You've been a great resource for all things FreeBSD. Thanks.

Any way to download the entire "series" in one document?

Hi and thanks :)

I did not created such thing ... but You can use SingleFile browser extension:

- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/single-file/

To save entire page with images and videos as a single HTML file.

Use it this way:

- https://i.imgur.com/vFiPhFv.png

Not exactly what You needed - but still IMHO a step into right direction.



Is the learning curve hard to get used to FreeBSD?

Using FreeBSD and also Linux/AIX/... I would say FreeBSD is easier to use/learn.

Also - important stuff/commands/subsystems does not change on FreeBSD every 5 years.

With Linux for example things that changed:

- Init => systemd(1)

- ALSA => PulseAudio => PipeWire

- ifconfig(8) => ip(8)

- route(8) => ip(8)

- netstat(8) => ss(8)

- network-scripts => nmcli(8) [@RHEL/@Fedora/@CentOS/...]


- X11 => Wayland

... and its not the end of these 'rewrites' unfortunately.


Check the + UPDATE(S) on the right.

Details here:


My 'fault' is that I do not add exact date of the update but ... this is the message I keep on my front page:

Keep in mind that I try to update articles posted here. I follow all supported FreeBSD versions – you can check which FreeBSD versions are currently supported on this page – FreeBSD Release Information: Currently Supported – from official FreeBSD website. If something gets out of date or works differently on newer versions – I add a needed UPDATE to a post to make it up to date.

Hope that helps.



I started in 2018 but I keep adding new articles and update the older ones with relevant data.

So it means - its ALL up-to-date.

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