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Every family having to have a robot instead of a handful of tractors for every ten thousand families or so. And that is likely a less optimal use of acreage. I think what you might actually be advocating for is “people should convert more residential land into gardens” which is always fun. I love my garden as a hobby.

We keep trying to un-invent the division of labour.

Edited for unnecessary pre-coffee poor behaviour. Sorry.

I did some quick math on this 10,000 number and I think it’s off by at least an order of magnitude. You have to assume everyone needs the tractors at roughly the same time and the cost/time of transporting, loading, unloading, etc severely limits the efficiency in a suburban environment.

It’s probably wrong, yeah. I made a wild guess at magnitude just to make a rhetorical point. Are you saying it’s more like 1,000 or 100,000?

I’m not a farmer but I live in a farming city, and one thing I notice is that the crops around here are definitely not all harvested at the same time. Some are harvested months before others. Even the same crops like corn or various beans are harvested weeks apart. For corn sometimes months. Farms also share a lot of equipment. Though a lot of farms are just absolutely massive corporate farms so it’s not really “sharing” but has the same effect.

You're yuck. There is no need provides your tastes thanks, especially ones that support destructive farming practices based on idealogical fluff.

It's much healthier and ultimately economical to have a bot tending crops locally, because small scale farming is also more productive per acre, and we have no way of transporting food or growing it industrially without burning the biosphere.

What OP is referring to is a world not yet created, where relocalization occurs, because we should't be doing things at scale that we don't benefit from doing at scale - and growing food is definitely one of those things.

Or maybe you have a sustainable way of doing industrial agriculture which doesn't use non renewable fossil fuels?

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Your comment would be fine without the first (and I would also say the last) sentence.

Just imagine all the packaging material that would be required to get everyone a new farm bot every few years.

I am, it's not very much, and compared with the packaging for food in every market, it's just a rounding error.

The thing about growing food locally, is that you don't need individually package your apples in plastic. You just harvest it, then eat it, in it's healthiest possible form, while also not doing insane polluting.

you know good sites / books about this ? or active groups

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