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I agree that studying psychology better could be beneficial. Is it possible? Or more to the point, is it merely a matter of money, as you said?

I said a large part of the problem is cultural, I did not say that psychology is the only field with cultural problems. I'm not sure how you got that idea.

No no, what you said is that it's "clearly practically impossible" to have more statistics, more controls, etc. to get higher powered studies of high-chaos questions like the ones asked in the soft sciences.

I said, to that point: no it's not. You just do bigger, longer term, more complete studies. The limiting factor on this -- right now -- is typically money. Perhaps you can pour infinite money and problems with e.g. recruitment or monitoring will still prevent us from getting to statistical power, but maybe not.

That is not the only problem social sciences face, but most of the problems they face are not exclusive to social sciences whatsoever, which then prompts the obvious question of why they get so much flak.

I never said anything about practicality, you are confusing my replies with someone else's. I said this

"But why do those fields deserve more money, when at least a large part of the problem is cultural."

More money won't fix the cultural problems with the field. Maybe the lack of a universal quantitative framework makes issues that are slightly bad in some fields much worse in the social sciences. I don't know. But it's naive to just say other fields have the same cultural problems so we can ignore it for MY field.

There's a famous anecdote where Dyson came to Fermi with a theory for weak decay (I think). There were a handful of datapoints that matched experimental results.

However, Fermi threw out Dyson's theory, despite the empirical agreement, because it had 5 free parameters ("with 3 parameters I can fit an elephant, and with 4, I can make it waggle its trunk is the quote" IIRC). This is difficult, but essential criticism all fields need.

AND all this is apart from the fundamental question of whether important generic scientific truths can really be gleaned from the social sciences.

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