I believe the test tether someone took up burned itself to a crisp. The magnetic flux it experienced from the earth was much more intense than their math predicted. That’s the last I heard.
"TSS-1R was deployed (over a period of five hours) to 19.7 km (12.2 mi) when the tether broke. The break was attributed to an electrical discharge through a broken place in the insulation."
"Measured currents on the tether far exceeded predictions of previous numerical models by up to a factor of three"
I've also had the idea for a while (probably inspired by that mission) that any actual space elevator would be hugely influenced by magnetic and electrical influences, becoming a tremendously long conductor and/or static-charge accumulator.
You'd probably want it to be exceptionally well grounded, and want to take precautions embarking or disembarking.
The one thing that's clear is that this makes tethers a more challenging engineering problem than a naive / uninformed view might have suggested.
This is almost always the situation in engineering applications. The simple approach based on first principles turns out to be massively influenced by second- and higher-order effects. See Admiral Hyman Rickover's "Paper Reactors" for a classic take on this:
Reminds me of a futurist I read years ago who was sure super critical water oxidation would solve all of our pollution problems. Ceramics are a “Pick two” material. You can handle heat, pressure or corrosion. SCWO requires all three. Some clever team invented composite ceramics trying to fix the problem, but that was a decade or two ago and still it’s a niche solution used for truly pernicious toxins and that’s about it, so I’m guessing it either didn’t work long term or was made out of unobtanium.