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Thinking Fast and Slow was blowing my mind until I started running into more and more studies that I knew didn't replicate. It took on a Freakonomics/Gladwell vibe after that

Apologies for ignorance, can you tell me more about Gladwell issues?

Gladwell is known for citing junk science and twisting reality by adding his own unfounded interpretations to research he's basing his theories on. There's a host of criticisms of his work. [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_Gladwell#Reception) is a good starting point.

Great, thanks for this link, will dig in more.

This one is tough to know where to start. To hear him cover an issue near and dear to your heart, is infuriating. In fact, I think almost all of his podcasts ideas from the first season were terrible.

Mostly, he gets so into a story it's about the narrative itself. He sounds like a crazy child with a made up theory trying to force it to work.

It's hard to say from memory, but it was multiple episodes where he defended corporations and authority figures from legit criticisms, based on nonsense.

Just to be clear he doesn't literally say "and there, so I proved them innocent", but he might as well and these just weird one sided crusades (about David and defending the Goliath as misunderstood).

He's really not far from saying because people sometimes remember things poorly, Brian Williams definitely didn't lie (in a situation where many people lie).

He basically gave the auto industry a free pass, because it's challenging to prove an exact field issue.

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