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I had never seen std::sort_heap before, that is kinda cool.

I'm torn about whether this constitutes a sort though. Like, yeah, in some sense this is the meat of a heap sort, but, it's the caller's job to provide the data as a heap first and of course this is C++ so if we screw that up it's Undefined Behaviour.

> I don't want it in the standard until it's proven useful and has some longevity

I wasn't advocating for such things to be in the standard but to be in the implementation. One of the worst sins of WG21 has been standardising implementations, as they did with std::unordered_map and continued to do in newer C++ versions.

And you're wrong, these people knew exactly what they were doing. You've probably used a stdlib which did this (such as libc++), the reason was very simple: Despite the big-O complexity, in practice quicksort was fast while heap sort, though compliant, is usually slower. Benchmarks matter. Big-O not so much.

Like I said, Introsort was new, and as you've explained you want to wait until things have "some longevity" before standardising them, so the stdlibs didn't take Introsort at first. LLVM took Introsort for libc++ in 2021, Microsoft landed a compliant sort some years earlier. Neither complied with C++ 98 initially.

I mean the big joke for LLVM is that the bug ticket about their sort complexity which sat in a pile unresolved until after Joe Biden became president was by Orson Peters. It's like realising the guy who pointed out that your physics textbook has the formula for mass-energy equivalence wrong is Albert Einstein. Gee, I wonder if Orson has any idea for how to fix this libc++ bug...

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