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Hobbit Software (hobbit.software)
2 points by fsniper 41 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Hobbits of I recall correctly are barefoot, which makes this a shoe-in for them being barefoot developers. Philosophically it kind of lines up a bit! https://maggieappleton.com/home-cooked-software https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40633029

I hope this age can provide something more than prebaked often cloud-kept software and services. People son commonly dis-identify with technology, feel themselves made powerless, not even able to see what's happening in the machine, when tech ought be the tip of the spear for empowering people & showing it's work.

There's https://malleable.systems as one camp for trying to do better. There's no concerted front for the idea, but convivial computing is a multi-decade long idea stemming from a famous book,

> In 1973, Ivan Illich published Tools for Conviviality, a book about man's relation to tools 1. Illich pleaded for a pluralism of responsibly limited tools that guarantee an individual’s right to work with independent efficiency, the development of which is "as unpredictable, creative and lively as the people who use them" (1973)


Hobbits welcome.

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