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Baking Pi – Operating Systems Development (2012) (cam.ac.uk)
50 points by wsc981 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

[2012] based on the copyright.

Note the disclaimer: "This course has not yet been updated to work with the Raspberry Pi models B+ and A+. Some elements may not work, in particular the first few lessons about the LED. It has also not been updated for Raspberry Pi v2."

And presumably not updated for the Pi 3,4,5 too!

This guy is using the course to make his own little Raspberry Pi OS, or at least it seems so looking at the README.

Though his OS is mainly written in C, while I believe the course is mostly or all assembly.


Reminds me of the experimental version of Stanford's CS 140/212, CS 140e, which used Rust to develop a simple operating system kernel for the Raspberry Pi 3B:

- Course web page: https://cs140e.sergio.bz/

- Accompanying material by the instructor: https://github.com/dddrrreee/cs140e-24win

Disclaimer: I've only worked through the course materials when it launched in '18, haven't actually taken the course physically, so YMMV.

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