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Does the McD app have saved payment credentials?

I doubt it (if McDonalds' saves credentials, it's likely some sort of token on their servers, rather than in plaintext on the app), but that wouldn't change anything, as I am okay with running an app which saves payment credentials, on my rooted phone.

Indeed, I'm okay with doing whatever I want, within standards of human decency, with my owned device and my owned bits therein. I don't see where McDonalds' desires factor into what I do with either.

Their technical capability of imposing control over how people use their own devices isn't self-justified, or justified at all.

Just saying that if they do, maybe not you, but someone will eventually go "I saved my cards into the McD app and got a surprise $LARGE_AMOUNT bill" because of their mobile platform not enforcing the isolation.

I doubt it (if McDonalds' saves credentials, it's likely some sort of token on their servers, rather than in plaintext on the app),

But even in that remote possibility, I think it's even less likely that many folks sophisticated enough to root their phone would ever have that complaint.

I'm happy to be proven wrong with a sufficient amount of such complaints about the McDonald's app.

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