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I disagree with your "just" in "just receiving from a channel". Receiving from a channel is hardly distinguishable from IO, since it can take an arbitrary amount of time and the receiver needs to handle external resource failures (ie the other side of the channel getting dropped). That's very different from normal sync functions parsing JSON, adding matrices, or doing date math. Also note how functions that can't block are still sync, like tokio::sync::oneshot::Sender::send.

I also can't agree with the argument that if it's possible to hang the runtime there's no point in explicit async. Yes people can still make mistakes, but it's better when it's explicitly a mistake and not just haphazard IO everywhere being the norm.

What is the "async-less" codebase for? Why does it have to be "async-less"? A Go codebase is fully async at all times, so why shouldn't a Rust system extend async up to main() (or at least encapsulate IO-heavy parts in a separate async part)?

Runtime behaviour of async rust is ~equivalent to Go, so coming back to my original point, the difference is that 1) Rust allows to have non-async, predictable functions, async is opt-in 2) the opt-in must be explicit 3) you have more choice between intra- and inter-future concurrency (select! vs spawn). All those points are important and empowering, they aren't problems to be solved.

I agree that the flip side is that Rust forces explicit decisions upfront, but that's one of the core premises of Rust.

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