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Different vessels cost different amounts, some are more luxurious than others.

A yacht salesman will always encourage you to "Sink your life savings in a boat !"

Some are just more seaworthy than others, size and conditions mean a lot but anything can go to the bottom where all is lost.

Wherever you end up, you can get there in style if you can afford it.

The ship analogy is surprisingly good, so let's keep going: The Titanic wasn't sunk by running out of money. The most likely reason is going to be lacking funds in enterprise, but there are other ways to fail, too. Not every thing can be offset by a large purse

And some ships spread so much pollution that the waters become toxic wastelands... Just like we can witness with the introduction of AI to the Internet

. . . and that's just the tip of the iceberg . . .

Which could go without saying but I said it anyway ;)

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